教程:李阳疯狂英语之标准美语  浏览:1560  
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    一. 每日练嘴单词


    2.crazy 疯狂的

    You have to be crazy if you want to be success.

    I’m crazy about American movies.

    3.apologize 道歉

    I sincerely apologize for my rudeness.

    4.present 礼物

    What’s your present now?

    He gave me this nice pen as a birthday present.

    How many people were present at the meeting.

    He presented the new idea about the product at the last sales meeting.

    5.business 生意

    It’s a pleasure doing business with you.

    6.exercise 练习. 锻炼

    7.exactly 确切地

    Do exactly as you please.

    8.dizzy 头晕的

    9. buzz嗡嗡声


    特别推荐单词 exercise

    She exercises three times a week.

    The doctor advise him to exercise more.

    Jogging is a healthy exercise.

    You don’t exercise enough.

    You should exercise more to keep energetic.

    三 十大练嘴精品句

    1.I exercise by lifting weights and jogging.

    2. He is not stupid just lazy.

    3.He is doing business with our company.

    4. Please apologize to her.

    5. My cousin likes puzzles.

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