教程:李阳疯狂英语之标准美语  浏览:1714  
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    1 than

    I know you better than he does.

    2 that

    3 there

    Is there anyone outside?

    There is someone waiting to see you.

    4 though

    5 another

    6 together

    We plan to gather together this weekend.

    Get yourself together. (=Pull yourself together.)

    We stand together on this issue.

    She and her ex-husband are getting back together.

    Let’s get together and talk about it.

    We should get together one evening.


    A: How do you know each other?

    B: We went to school together.

    7 weather

    What was the weather like on your vacation?

    8 breathe

    9 clothe

    10 smooth


    How about going shopping together?


    1 At last we can breathe with ease.

    2 Do you prefer northern food or southern food?

    3 My mother bought some new clothes there.

    4 Can I bother you with another question?

    5 These are bigger than those.

    6 Though my mother is old, she still has smooth skin.

    7 I’d rather go there than to your brother’s house.

    8 Either we go now or we wait for another day with better weather.

      上一篇:李阳疯狂英语之标准美语35b 下一篇:李阳疯狂英语之标准美语36b

