[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:24:01
[00:49.44]My frlend Charlotte was datlng Dr. Bram Walker... 夏绿蒂这阵子正在与 布莱姆沃克医生交往
[00:51.52]...a very hardworklng orthopedlc surgeon. 他是个勤奋的整形外科医生
[00:55.48]Bram? 布莱姆?
[00:60.36]-布莱姆? -干嘛?
[01:04.44]Were you asIeep? 你睡着了吗?
[01:04.44]No, I was just resting my eyes. -没有,我只是在闭目养神 -我的天
[01:08.84]My God.
[01:08.80]I feII asIeep for one second. -好吧,我只睡了一秒钟 -我的天
[01:12.28]My God. 我从五点到现在都没睡 连续做了三个累人的重建手术
[01:14.32]I was up at 5:00, I had three carpaI tunneIs.
[01:14.96]It's very exhaustive reconstructive work.
[01:19.64]He feII asIeep when he was making Iove to me. 他和我做爱的时候竟然睡着了
[01:23.96]He feII asIeep! 他只是累了,这与你无关
[01:23.56]He was tired. This has nothing to do with you.
[01:29.12]Has a man ever faIIen asIeep making Iove to you? 男人和你做爱的时候 有睡着过吗?
[01:30.40]No, but I'm sure many of them wanted to. 没有,我想他们多半都想睡吧
[01:35.96]I can't beIieve this happened to me! -没想到这种事会落到我身上 -你要不要喝点药草茶?
[01:36.84]You want some herb tea?
[01:38.96]I must be reaIIy bad in bed. -我在床上的表现一定很差劲 -你的表现不差劲
[01:40.16]You are not bad in bed.
[01:42.60]I've got Constant Comment and.... 我这里有安抚情绪的 还是你想喝缓和腹部的茶?
[01:44.40]Do you want some Tummy Tamer?
[01:47.60]Of course it's her. I have to say, I'm not surprised. 当然是她的关系 这点我完全不惊讶
[01:49.68]Ever seen her on a Stairmaster? Nothing happening beIow the waist. 你看她做过踏板运动吗? 她的腰部以下都没有改变
[01:54.68]Nada. No saIe. 就算她的技巧不高明 这很重要吗?
[01:54.16]How can you say that?
[01:57.56]Even if she was bad in bed, which she isn't, is it reaIIy that important?
[02:00.100]AbsoIuteIy. Who we are in bed is who we are in Iife. 当然重要 床上的表现可以看出一个人
[02:04.36]I never met a man who was bad in bed who was good at Iife. 我没看过床上表现差劲的男人 在生活中有成就的
[02:07.08]Just for the record, in bed, you are.... 那你在床上的表现又如何?
[02:11.76]Don't make me state the obvious. -这需要我赘言吗? -你怎么能这么肯定?
[02:13.52]How can you be so sure?
[02:16.84]No one ever took a nap whiIe fucking me... 从来没有男人和我做爱睡着的
[02:17.80]...and I get affirmations aII the time. 而且我每次都会得到证实 不过上星期…
[02:20.32]Just Iast week.... 上星期有一对同性恋 请莎曼珊吃饭
[02:23.60]Last week, Samantha had dlnner wlth a gay couple she'd known for years.
[02:27.96]Davld and Davld. 他们两个都叫大卫
[02:30.36]Thanks for a IoveIy dinner. It was fun. 谢谢你们邀我晚餐,我很愉快
[02:31.20]I have to admit, we have an uIterior motive. -其实我们是别有用心 -什么?
[02:36.80]What? 你现在有和谁在交往吗?
[02:36.12]We're wondering if you're seeing anyone speciaI right now?
[02:40.08]ActuaIIy, no. 没有,你们要为我介绍谁吗?
[02:42.08]Do you have a hot guy for me?
[02:44.64]Two. 有两个
[02:51.00]-No! -Yes! -不会吧? -你猜对了
[02:53.92]We want to have sex with a woman. 我们想找个女人做爱
[02:56.96]-Are you serious? -TotaIIy. -你们是说真的吗? -我一直很想体会那种感觉
[02:59.76]I'm curious about it.
[03:02.76]We've never done it and we thought it might be fun. 我们都没和女人做过 那一定很有趣
[03:03.84]We were Iike: 我们想如果要找个女人 要找谁好呢?
[03:06.32]''If we were gonna do it with a woman, who wouId it be?''
[03:10.28]-Then we were Iike, Samantha. -TotaIIy. 我们就立刻想到了你
[03:13.88]We decided of aII the beautifuI women we know, you are probabIy the best in bed. 我们决定找个我们认识的 最漂亮的女人
[03:17.16]-你的技巧一定也最出色 -没错
[03:20.56]Look at that!
[03:22.20]I'm thinking about doing it. They're cute, they're heaIthy. 我答应他们考虑考虑 毕竟他们都是英俊的猛男
[03:26.80]They're gay! -他们是同性恋 -这是对性的一种狭隘的迷思
[03:26.12]For a sex coIumnist, you have a Iimited view of sexuaIity.
[03:30.20]Gay as pink suede. -男同性恋不是正常男人 -拜托,都已经两千年了
[03:31.16]Wake up. It's 2000.
[03:33.68]The new miIIennium won't be about sexuaI IabeIs, it'II be about sexuaI expression. 未来的一千年将是个 以性来表达的时代
[03:38.80]It won't matter if you're sIeeping with men or women. 这与你和男人或女人上床无关
[03:42.64]It'II be about sIeeping with individuaIs. -对方只是一个个体 -你现在是在搞三P
[03:42.72]Or in your case, twos or threes.
[03:44.60]Soon everyone wiII be pansexuaI. It won't matter if you're gay or straight. 大家很快就会彼此交流 这和是不是同性恋无关
[03:50.08]-Just if you're good or bad in bed. -ExactIy. -重要的是你在床上的表现? -没错
[03:55.16]That nlght I got to thlnklng about bed. 当晚我便在思考房事的问题
[03:57.00]Are we secretly belng graded every tlme we lnvlte someone to joln us ln lt? 我们每次邀人共赴云雨时 是否都被打了分数?
[03:60.72]A plus, B, D, lncomplete. 诸如甲乙丙等或是不及格?
[04:03.48]Is maklng love really nothlng more than a pop qulz? 做爱和随堂测验 成了一回事吗?
[04:07.68]If sex ls a test, how do we know lf we're passlng or falllng? 如果性爱是一门测验 我们怎知是否及格了?
[04:11.92]How do you know lf you're good ln bed? 又怎么知道自己的表现如何?
[04:15.20]Later on, I was walklng home thlnklng about my sexual report card when.... 那个星期我都在思考 我的性爱报告
[04:23.28]What the heII-- 搞什么?那是什么东西?
[04:26.52]Christ, I'm sorry. I didn't see you. I threw my cigarette. 抱歉,我没看到你 我刚才在丢烟蒂
[04:30.00]I thought I was stung by a bee. Jesus! 我还以为被蜜蜂螫了
[04:31.68]I'm sorry. Did it Ieave a mark? 抱歉,烫伤了吗?
[04:34.56]You can't smoke in the restaurant. I'm a smoker. 餐厅里不能吸烟 我又是个老烟枪
[04:37.68]I'm a smoker too, but watch where you throw those things? 我也是个老烟枪 但你丢东西应该小心点
[04:43.16]No, it didn't Ieave a mark. 我没有被烫伤
[04:47.64]As the paln subslded, my mlnd was free to notlce... 当疼痛消退之后 我才注意到这个人好帅
[04:50.00]...how lncredlbly cute thls guy was.
[04:50.88]I am sorry. My name's Patrick Casey. 抱歉,我叫派崔克凯西
[04:55.88]Carrie Bradshaw, burn victim. 我叫凯莉布雷萧,烫伤患者
[04:57.36]How weird was that? That was intense. 这种控诉太过强烈了
[05:02.04]You gotta admit, it's a cIever way to meet the Iadies. 不过这样搭讪倒是挺高竿的
[05:05.84]You got a IittIe comedy routine going there? -原来这是你演的一出喜剧? -有点那个意味
[05:06.28]LittIe bit.
[05:10.88]Listen, I reaIIy feeI bad. 真的很抱歉
[05:11.64]At Ieast Iet me buy you a coffee, or some burn saIve? 我请你喝杯咖啡作为补偿
[05:16.12]-Not funny yet. -Sorry. 不好笑 不过喝咖啡这提议不错
[05:16.04]But it might be after a cappuccino.
[05:19.60]There's a pIace right around the corner. We can smoke there. 街角有家咖啡店 那里可以抽烟
[05:24.68]Three Marlboros and two Marlboro Llghts later I had learned... 在抽过两、三支烟之后
[05:29.40]...Patrlck was a composer, wrltlng muslc for movles. 我发现派崔克在做电影配乐
[05:32.04]What type of movies do you compose for? 你做的是哪种电影?
[05:32.64]ReaIIy bad ones. 那都是些三流片
[05:34.92]The I Screamed When I Knew What You Dld Last Summer On Elm Street types.
[05:37.20]好比“去年夏天夜惊魂” 之类的电影
[05:38.40]As Iong as you're chaIIenged by what you do. 只要你对电影还有抱负就够了
[05:45.20]Dammit. Patrick Casey, whoever you are. 糟糕,派崔克凯西
[05:47.16]I'm Iate. I have to go.
[05:52.12]Thank you for the coffee. 谢谢你的咖啡 改天我再控诉内心受到的创伤
[05:53.24]Maybe one day you'II give me scar tissue again.
[05:59.40]-You're great. -Thanks. -你真会说话 -谢谢
[06:00.100]As I walked away, I started to thlnk.: 当我离开的时候才想到
[06:04.24]How many cute, smart, slngle smokers are there left ln the world? Seven? 世上有几个长相与头脑兼具的 单身老烟枪?
[06:08.24]I declded to do somethlng I almost never do... 接着我便做出破天荒的举动 给他我的手机号码
[06:11.52]...glve a man my phone number.
[06:17.20]This whoIe burn Iawsuit I pIan to initiate... 我这件烫伤诉讼 可能会有点难搞
[06:20.16]...it might get a IittIe crazy, so here is my phone number. 这是我的电话号码
[06:23.84]You wiII need that for your attorney... 你请律师时会用到
[06:27.32]...or if you want to have coffee again sometime. 或许下次可以再请我喝咖啡
[06:29.20]I left feellng great. It was such a cute approach. How could he not call? 这招让我自己都得意不已 他不打给我才有鬼
[06:36.96]How couId he not caII? It's been three days. 都过了三天他怎么还没打来?
[06:37.24]Give him 12 more hours and then send him off to the isIand of Iost men. 再等他12小时 到时候就把他踢到荒岛去
[06:42.20]I don't wanna send him there, I Iike him. 我不想踢他走,我喜欢他
[06:44.60]CouId you beIieve that someone actuaIIy had the nerve to caII this FIorentine Peach? 你相信有人把这种颜色 叫做佛罗伦斯桃红吗?
[06:50.36]I can't beIieve you spent this much on sheets. 你怎么舍得在床单上 花这么多钱?
[06:52.16]It's an experiment. I'm trying to change my bed karma. 我在做一项试验 改变我的命运
[06:55.24]I figure if I can make my bed a pIace I reaIIy want to be... 我想如果能把床 布置成我的梦想乐园
[06:60.80]...others wiII feeI the same way. 别人也会感同身受
[07:01.40]The fieId of dreams. -你是说梦想乐土 -没错,所谓心想事成
[07:04.80]ExactIy. ''If you buiId it, he wiII come.''
[07:07.56]The thing that gets me is, I'm not usuaIIy wrong about the phone number size-up. 没想到我给了电话的人 竟然不回我电话
[07:12.28]I don't put it out there unIess I'm sure it's coming back. 我都是看准对象才给电话的
[07:15.04]I'm either reaIIy Ioving or hating the coIor. 我现在对这个颜色 还没有明显的喜好
[07:17.92]He thinks I'm ugIy. -他一定认为我很“爱国” -拜托,别闹了
[07:20.68]My God. Get a grip.
[07:23.80]A guy doesn't caII you for three days and you're ugIy? 一个家伙三天不打电话给你 你就变成丑女了吗?
[07:27.24]-What's your point? -PiIIowcase. -你想说什么? -枕头套给我
[07:30.64]It's amazing. We can feeI totaIIy good about ourseIves... 我们原先都觉得自己很好
[07:34.40]...and then it aII goes out the window if the guy doesn't mirror it back to us. 可是一走出去 男人要是不看我们…
[07:39.60]This has a IittIe weird thing here. 这实在太荒谬了,该死
[07:40.76]Dammit. Does everything I bring into this bedroom have to have a fIaw? 我费心打理的卧室 竟然还是有瑕疵
[07:48.44]The next day I was ln the Vlllage looklng for the perfect $7 dress... 第二天我在街上找寻廉价洋装
[07:51.92]...to go wlth my $300 shoes, when.... 好搭配我花三百美金买的鞋子
[07:55.48]I had a cholce. I could turn around and run away... 其实我这时候可以转身离去
[07:57.68]...or I could smlle, be brave and walk on over. 但我却面带微笑 深呼吸一口气就走了过去
[08:06.40]Hi. 好好的星期六 你竟然站在大街上抽烟?
[08:06.12]So what? Saturday's the day you stand on the street and smoke in the ViIIage?
[08:13.96]Hi, I'm Carrie. -你好,我叫凯莉 -我们正在谈事情
[08:14.48]-We're kind of in the middIe of something. -Right, sure.
[08:18.44]Bye. I was on my way to Perry Street. -再见,我正要去佩里街 -这就是佩里街
[08:21.12]This is Perry Street. 我是说布利克街 再见,不打搅你们了
[08:21.80]BIeecker, I meant BIeecker.
[08:26.60]Okay, bye. Goodbye to you, too.
[08:35.64]-Let me expIain. -No, I'm embarrassed. -凯莉,你听我解释 -不用,我是自找难堪
[08:39.52]You're obviousIy in the middIe of a thing with your Iover... 你显然正在和你的爱人谈事情
[08:40.100]...or whoever and I'm there.... 不,我不是同性恋 我只是有酗酒的毛病
[08:44.20]I'm not gay.
[08:47.96]I'm an aIcohoIic.
[08:47.88]We were waiting for a meeting to start. 我们正在这里等着聚会
[08:50.84]I wanted to introduce you but it's supposed to be anonymous. 我本来想为你介绍 但是我不能透露会友的名字
[08:53.12]I reaIIy wasn't getting the gay vibe from you. 我并不是觉得你们像同性恋
[08:56.52]It's just, he was so cute and.... 只是他长得很帅,再加上…
[08:59.92]-I never caIIed. -Right. -我没打电话给你 -没错
[09:02.48]I was freaked. I've onIy been in the program 11 months... 我戒酒已经11个月了
[09:06.68]...and my sponsor said I reaIIy shouIdn't get invoIved with someone for a year. 我的监护人要我在一年内 不能谈感情
[09:11.20]Okay, maybe you'II caII me in a month. 好吧,那你一个月后再打给我
[09:16.08]It doesn't bother you that I'm an aIcohoIic? 你不在意我是个酒鬼吗?
[09:17.88]God, no. I Iove aIcohoIics. HeII, I hope to be one someday. 不会,我喜欢酒鬼 我甚至也想当个酒鬼
[09:23.68]-That was a joke. -That's not funny, yet. -我开玩笑的 -一点也不好笑
[09:25.64]But it might be after a cappuccino. 喝杯咖啡也许就不一样了
[09:30.44]What the fuck, it's onIy a coupIe of weeks. 其实也不过只剩下几星期 你改天愿意出去吗?
[09:31.84]WouId you Iike to go on a date sometime?
[09:34.92]I can't think why not. 有何不可?你再联络我
[09:35.80]You caII me.
[09:39.04]I accepted hls klnd lnvltatlon because when you thlnk about lt... 于是我便接受了他的邀约
[09:41.96]...aren't we all ln recovery from somethlng? 其实每个人都在戒某些东西 好比戒酒、戒毒
[09:45.44]Drlnklng? Drugglng? Our last relatlonshlp?
[09:48.32]On our flrst date, Patrlck and I went for coffee. 我们第一次约会是出去喝咖啡
[09:51.48]I'm reaIIy compuIsive. If I open up a bag of Chips Ahoy, I gotta eat the whoIe thing. 我有点强迫症的毛病 只要打开一包洋芋片
[09:58.36]I'm Iike that with Reese's Pieces. Reese's Pieces and shoes. 蕊丝皮鞋一出新款 我也一定会去买
[10:02.24]WouIdn't the shoes be a IittIe tough on digestion? 吃鞋子不太好消化吧?
[10:06.28]This is me. 我家到了
[10:10.16]Thank you, Mr. Casey. I had a great time. 谢谢你,凯西先生 我玩得很愉快
[10:12.96]No, Miss Burn Victim. I had the great time. 烫伤小姐,我也过得很愉快
[10:16.44]Then I gave hlm my very best lean-ln-and-klss-me-goodnlght move. 于是我示意他给我一个告别吻
[10:34.04]Our next date, over dlnner, he told me about worklng hls 12 steps. 第二次出去晚餐时他谈了 许多有关音乐的事
[10:37.12]After dlnner, I stood on my thlrd step trylng to work hlm. 饭后我站在楼梯上企图勾引他
[10:40.88]That smeII is amazing. What is that? 好香,这是什么味道?
[10:43.60]Me. 我
[10:47.36]I'II caII you. 我再打电话给你
[10:50.64]I couldn't flgure lt out. 我实在想不通
[10:58.48]I knew he wanted me, because durlng my lean-ln-and-klss-me-goodnlght move... 我知道他想要我 因为在我靠近的时候
[11:02.64]...I'd accldentally, on purpose felt hls pop-up-and-say-hello. 意外的感觉到他的小弟弟 正在对我“举枪致敬”
[11:06.76]What was golng on? 但他怎么没采取行动?
[11:09.56]By the thlrd date, I wanted hlm even more than a flstful of Reese's Pleces. 第三次约会时我对他的渴望 已经超过蕊丝皮鞋了
[11:16.48]WeII then, goodnight. 好了,晚安
[11:18.64]That was that. I'd hlt my humlllatlon llmlt. 我的羞辱已经到达了极限
[11:22.96]Then I thought, how many cute, smart, sexy, slngle, smoklng alcohollcs... 但我又想到这个世上…
[11:26.64]...are there left ln the world? Flve? 还剩几个聪明的帅哥? 五个吗?
[11:42.84]Do you want to come up? -你想上去吗? -想
[11:46.80]But you see, the thing is, I've never had sex sober. 但是我从来没在 清醒的时候做爱过
[11:49.80]I've aIways been drunk or high. I don't know if I'II be any good. 我总是喝得酩酊大醉 我不肯定自己的表现如何
[11:56.12]What the heII? Let's take it one step at a time. 管他的,船到桥头自然直
[12:15.04]Sex is amazing. 性爱真是太神奇了
[12:18.52]It feeIs so fucking amazing. 真是不可思议 别人有这种感觉吗?
[12:20.88]Do other peopIe know about this?
[12:24.84]AII right! I did it! Sex without beer! 太棒了,我再也不怕做爱了
[12:33.24]Easy, cowboy. -冷静点,牛仔 -至于你…
[12:36.20]What about you! You are the best. -你真是妙不可言 -你也不差
[12:39.56]You weren't haIf bad yourseIf.
[12:41.48]You are the best. 不,你是最棒的
[12:44.04]-You're the best. -I aim to pIease. 我是很努力
[12:48.00]After we have a cigarette... 等我们抽完这根烟…
[12:55.96]...can we do it again? 可以再来一次吗?
[13:01.04]I'II have a Spanish omeIet, hash browns, more coffee and orange juice. 我要一份蛋饼、马铃薯煎饼 再来一杯咖啡和柳橙汁
[13:06.64]Can I have some rice pudding for Iater? Thanks. 稍后再来一份布丁,谢谢
[13:11.52]Storing up for winter? -你在准备冬眠吗? -不,我快饿死了
[13:12.72]No, I'm starving. Patrick and I....
[13:16.28]AII Iast night and I'm just.... 我和派崔克忙了一夜 把我饿坏了
[13:16.24]No, don't stop, it's okay. 你尽管说,我的表现差 不表示你们都要和我一样
[13:19.72]Just because I'm bad in bed doesn't mean everybody is.
[13:21.92]One more time. 你在床上的表现一点也不差
[13:23.40]You are not bad in bed.
[13:27.88]ReaIIy? Has a man ever faIIen asIeep making Iove to you? 有人在和你做爱的时候 睡着吗?
[13:29.36]No, but I once feII asIeep when a guy was doing me. It was the Iudes. 没有,但我有一次差点睡着
[13:34.04]It's okay. 无所谓,我是个成年女人
[13:36.76]I'm mature enough to reaIize that whiIe I may be good at some things Iike... 我很清楚我对服饰搭配很在行
[13:40.72]...accessories, that I might need heIp in others Iike....
[13:43.60]-Fucking? -Making Iove. -好比上床? -做爱
[13:49.40]So, I'm taking a cIass. 所以我去报了一堂课
[13:52.04]A fucking cIass? -学习床上技巧吗? -不,是性爱研讨会
[13:53.24]No, a tantric sex workshop.
[13:55.20]Just don't drink any suspicious KooI-Aid or put on new Nikes. 你只要别喝什么诡异的饮料 或穿新布鞋就行了
[13:59.92]It's not Iike that. It's taught by a weII-respected woman psychoIogist. 讲师是一位 德高望重的心理学家
[14:04.36]It's caIIed ''How To PIease A Man.'' 这堂课叫“如何愉悦男人?”
[14:06.96]I know how to pIease a man. Just give away most of your power. 只要放弃你的权力 就能愉悦男人
[14:09.72]I have a trainer for the gym. I can have a trainer for-- 我到健身房会找教练 当然也可以找人…
[14:13.24]-Fucking? -PIease stop saying that. -教你做爱? -别再说这个字了
[14:18.52]Are you actuaIIy going to do this? 你真的要去上课?
[14:20.28]对,人数还有限制 我就帮你们报了名
[14:22.36]Seating was Iimited, so I signed you guys up.
[14:24.36]PIease? I can't go aIone. 拜托,我不能一个人去
[14:28.56]If Bram ever faIIs asIeep on me again, I wiII die. 布莱姆要是再在我身上睡着 我一定会死,拜托
[14:31.72]Pretty pIease, with sugar on it? -求求你们,好姐妹 -我去
[14:33.00]Christ, I'm in.
[14:35.16]What the heII, I don't exactIy have them hanging from the rafters. 好吧,其实去听听也无妨
[14:40.84]''How To PIease A Man.'' 如何愉悦男人? 我都可以开班授课了
[14:42.84]I couId teach the damn cIass.
[14:45.44]AII right. 好吧
[14:52.60]That nlght, whlle Davld and Davld got undressed... 当晚两个大卫先脱了衣服 在卧室里等她
[14:55.08]...and walted for her ln the bedroom.
[14:57.88]Samantha began to wonder lf maybe she was about to go too far. 莎曼珊才开始犹豫 这次玩得会不会太过火了
[14:60.32]Was she actually capable of belng thls sexually free? 她能接受这种放荡的性爱吗?
[15:05.32]Or was she gettlng ln over her head? 还是她只是一时鬼迷心窍?
[15:08.20]She declded before there were regrets, they should all talk about lt a llttle more. 她认为在后悔之前 他们应该再商量一次
[15:12.16]Listen, David and David, maybe.... 大卫,我想或许…
[15:17.04]You Iook amazing. -你真的好美 -就像“红尘”里的珍哈露
[15:19.76]Just Iike Jean HarIow in Red Dust.
[15:22.00]Samantha loved the Samantha mlrrored through the eyes of the Davlds. 莎曼珊立刻爱上了 他们眼中的自己
[15:26.00]What the heII? 试试又有何妨
[16:08.96]-They're so soft. -I know. -真软 -没错
[16:26.60]-I can't do this. -Neither can I. -我做不下去 -我也是
[16:33.12]But I.... 但是我…我们才刚开始
[16:33.100]-We're just getting start-- -No, can't. 不,我做不下去,抱歉
[16:36.48]-I'm sorry. -Sorry. 抱歉,你的确秀色可餐 但我做不到
[16:40.12]It's very pretty, but no.
[16:44.04]It's not you, it's us. 问题不在你,是在我们
[16:46.60]I have an idea. Let's aII put on our cIothes and go out for geIati! 不如这样吧? 我们穿上衣服去吃意大利果冻
[16:50.08]-Cheesecake. -Whatever. -或是起司蛋糕 -都好
[16:53.28]Suddenly, Samantha wasn't feellng so good about herself ln bed. 莎曼珊突然对自己丧失了信心
[17:03.00]我得走了 不然会赶不上那个研习会
[17:05.12]I gotta go or I'm going to be Iate for the tantric workshop thing.
[17:10.04]Baby, you don't need a workshop. 宝贝,你根本不用听那劳什子
[17:13.68]You are amazing. 你是个中高手,我们再来一次
[17:15.16]Come on, one more time.
[17:17.32]We did it Iast night and aII this morning. 昨晚和今早做得还不够吗?
[17:21.72]I couId have sex with you morning, noon and night. 和你整天整夜做爱我也不会腻
[17:24.76]That's when I reallzed lt. Mr. Compulslve wasn't ln bed wlth me... 这时我了解到这个大男人 根本不是和我做爱
[17:27.44]More, c'mon. 他是在和一大袋的洋芋片挣扎
[17:27.56]...he was ln bed wlth a blg bag of Chlps Ahoy.
[17:32.52]More. “坦特罗”的意思就是 神圣的性爱
[17:32.64]The intent of tantric...
[17:34.20]...we say ''sacred sexuaIity...''
[17:40.00]...is to experience and merge with the Divine. 体验神人合一的感受
[17:44.84]I think Patrick's addicted to me. 我看派崔克已经迷上我了 他想用我来取代酗酒
[17:44.76]It's Iike he's repIaced drinking with me.
[17:49.44]Program guys are tough. 在戒酒的家伙都很难搞 我和一个暴食症患者交往过
[17:50.24]I dated a guy who was in Over-Eaters Anonymous.
[17:51.92]Every time we had a fight, he'd binge-eat hot fudge sundaes. 我们只要一吵架 他就会开始狂吃圣代
[17:56.36]In other words, Iadies, to drive your man crazy. 换句话说 你能让你的另一半疯狂
[18:00.44]He wants to have sex aII the time. It's getting a IittIe out of hand. 他整天都想和我做爱 我都快控制不了了
[18:06.92]At Ieast he wants to fuck you. -至少他还想碰你 -他们是同性恋
[18:08.92]-They were gay. -So? 那又怎样?前一秒还兴致高昂 下一秒就没了兴致
[18:08.100]One minute they were interested and then, suddenIy they weren't.
[18:12.88]What did I do to turn them off? 我到底做错了什么?
[18:17.16]Not having a dick wouId be the thing that you did to turn them off. 错就错在你没有老二
[18:20.24]You guys, I'm serious. This is rude. 姐妹们,这太没礼貌了
[18:22.84]Use it to bring any man to his knees. 你可以用爱让任何一个男人 对你俯首称臣
[18:28.32]With Iove, of course.
[18:29.92]Where was this bitch Iast night when I needed her? 我昨晚需要她的时候 这个女人在哪里?
[18:32.68]Be quiet and you might Iearn something. This Iady is supposed to be a genius. 安静听你们就会学到东西 她是这方面的天才
[18:36.64]If she's so good, why is she having this workshop in her apartment? 她如果真的这么行
[18:39.32]-干嘛在公寓里开这个研习会 -不要问我
[18:42.64]I don't know. “坦氏性爱”不重理论 而重于行动
[18:44.00]Tantric sex is not about taIk, it's about action.
[18:49.00]DeIayed action. 我们也要为大家示范
[18:50.68]So, without further deIay... 现在就立刻开始
[18:56.24]...Iet me introduce my husband. 容我介绍我的先生
[18:59.32]Dr. Ronny Shapiro. 罗尼莎菲洛博士
[19:04.88]I wiII demonstrate the very effective... 由我来示范…
[19:10.32]...Lingham Massage.
[19:15.12]I think I know why we're in an apartment. 我终于明白为什么在这开课了
[19:18.60]The receiver Iies on his back... 接受按摩者必须赤裸的 躺在按摩者前方
[19:21.56]...before the giver, naked.
[19:25.76]GenitaIs cIearIy exposed for the massage. 让生殖器完全曝露出来
[19:29.60]You're not writing. 你根本没在做笔记
[19:30.12]Take your time doing this. 按摩需要耐心
[19:36.28]An hour and a half later, crlppled by our lnablllty to look away from a car crash... 如果是车祸一个半小时后 或许还看不到车祸的真相
[19:41.64]...we watched as the Dr. Shaplro lllustrated tantrlc sex. 但这对夫妇却呈现了 坦氏性爱的效果
[19:43.44]Massage the head of the Lingham... 把你的手当成果汁机一样 按摩龟头部分
[19:47.80]...as if you are using an orange juicer.
[19:52.80]There go my good feeIings about breakfast. 我早上吃的东西快吐出来了
[19:55.88]Stop it! You're embarrassing me. 别吵了,别丢我的脸好吗?
[19:58.96]We're the embarrassing part? 现在丢脸的是我们吗?
[20:01.52]PIace your right hand... 接着抬起右手
[20:04.92]...on the receiver's Root chakra. 握住对方的命根子
[20:06.52]Root! 命根子
[20:09.52]The Root chakra is Iocated between the anus and the genitaIs. 它就位在肛门和外生殖器之间
[20:15.56]I think that I just got my 50 bucks worth. 看来这五十元美金很值得
[20:19.36]GentIy rock your hand to awaken this chakra. 轻轻的唤醒这个部分
[20:25.00]CIinicaIIy referred to as perineum. 这个部位在医学上叫做会阴
[20:26.76]Perineum: Latin for ''not without an engagement ring.'' 在拉丁语的意思就是 “结婚一定要有婚戒”
[20:32.96]WiII the women who are Iaughing compose themseIves? 请那位在笑的小姐安静,谢谢
[20:36.32]Thank you. 高潮虽然不是这种按摩的目的
[20:35.80]Orgasm is not the goaI of Lingham Massage...
[20:41.52]...but can be a pIeasant and very weIcome side effect. 却是种非常愉悦的副作用
[20:46.76]Watch what I'm doing here. 请各位注意
[20:52.76]If you can master this... 只要掌握住诀窍 保证男人会永远效忠于你
[20:55.24]...your man wiII aIways be faithfuI.
[20:57.60]Because once they go tantric... 因为他们只要做过这种按摩 就永远忘不了
[21:01.96]...they don't go back.
[21:05.16]You go, girI. 加油
[21:08.76]See that? Can you aII see this? 看到没?看清楚了没有?
[21:13.68]My God! 我的天,他快要…
[21:18.48]He's gonna....
[21:23.52]And just llke that, Mlranda got hlt by Old Falthful. 米兰达还被他的精液喷到了
[21:30.24]What's funny? 有这么好笑吗?
[21:36.08]After we talked Mlranda ln from the ledge, I met Patrlck for a movle. 那天稍晚我和派崔克去看电影
[21:41.56]I was teIIing my sponsor today how I feIt about you... 我今天和监护人谈起 我对你的感觉
[21:46.72]...and suddenIy I reaIized maybe I shouId just teII you. 我觉得我应该告诉你
[21:52.36]I Iove you. -我爱你 -老实说
[21:55.64]There lt was, the llttle phrase every glrl ls dylng to hear... 这是每个女人在交往之后
[21:57.92]...a week and a half lnto a relatlonshlp. 都想听到的一句话
[22:01.72]Thanks and that's so.... 谢谢你,我真的觉得…
[22:06.48]What? Too soon? Is that what you're thinking? 你觉得进展得太快了吗?
[22:11.48]We have been going out for, Iike, a minute. 我们只交往了几天而已
[22:13.96]Fuck that shit. I don't want to pIay games. 可是我不想玩游戏 我只想忠于自己的感觉
[22:17.44]I'm just trying to own my feeIings.
[22:18.80]I Iove you. I said it. 我爱你
[22:23.48]Mr. Casey, you do not Iove me... 凯西先生,你并不是爱我 而是爱上清醒的感觉罢了
[22:25.76]...you Iove you, not drinking, with me.
[22:28.36]No, I Iove you. 不,我爱你
[22:37.48]I'm so fIattered...
[22:40.28]...but I think maybe we shouId sIow down a IittIe here. 我们或许该放慢一点
[22:41.48]What does that mean? -什么意思? -事情发展得太快了
[22:44.84]It means that things are going very fast and....
[22:49.32]You have these new feeIings because you're not drinking-- 你初次体验到不喝酒的感觉
[22:50.00]No, don't give me that program buIIshit. 不,别对我说这些聚会的说辞
[22:55.32]This has nothing to do with drinking. 这件事和喝酒无关
[22:57.80]I Iove you. 我爱你
[23:01.68]Maybe we shouId spend a IittIe time apart. 或许我们该分开几天
[23:06.52]I'II caII you tomorrow. -我明天打电话给你 -我不能上楼去吗?
[23:08.40]-I'm not coming up? -Just a coupIe of nights. -忍耐几晚就好了 -你要和我分手吗?
[23:12.00]Are you breaking up with me? 'Cause if--
[23:13.28]I'm not breaking up with you. I'm just going inside. 派崔克,我不是要和你分手 我只是要进屋去
[23:19.56]CaII me tomorrow. 你明天打电话给我 我们下星期再碰面好吗?
[23:21.32]We'II do something next week, okay?
[23:23.60]What am I going to do now? -那我现在怎么办? -你应该去聚会了
[23:26.88]You shouId go to a meeting.
[23:29.80]And then go home, and caII me tomorrow. 然后回家,明天打电话给我
[23:33.68]Goodnight. 晚安,下星期见
[23:36.24]I'II see you next week.
[23:40.92]Go. 走吧
[23:50.08]Get yourseIf some cookies. 买点饼干来吃
[23:57.52]Meanwhlle, across town at Charlotte's.... 这时候夏绿蒂正在家里…
[23:58.52]My God, what are you doing? 夏绿蒂,你在做什么?
[24:03.32]My God.
[24:05.00]You are good. Sweet Christ! 夏绿蒂,你真棒 我的天,你真棒
[24:08.28]You are good!
[24:09.32]Charlotte consldered lt the best 50 bucks she'd ever spent. 夏绿蒂认为那是她花过 最值得的五十元美金
[24:19.40]It cost Mlranda a llttle more, but across town ln her bed, thlngs were good as well. 米兰达花的钱虽然比较多 但结果也不错
[24:35.16]CarrleI 凯莉
[24:48.72]What are you doing? 派崔克,你在做什么?
[24:50.60]Fuck you, you bitch! -你这个臭婆娘 -该死
[24:54.40]Shit! 我爱你,你却不爱我
[24:56.48]I Ioved you and you didn't Iove me.
[25:01.84]You fucking made me date you... 你让我在完成戒酒前一个月 就和你约会
[25:02.16]...before the month and now I'm drunk.
[25:04.44]现在我又开始酗酒了 我不在乎
[25:06.28]And I don't care!
[25:13.48]I Iove you!
[25:14.36]I Iove you! 我爱你,和我做爱
[25:15.16]Make Iove to me!
[25:18.44]What are you doing? Don't take your cIothes off. 你在做什么?别把衣服脱掉
[25:23.28]My flrst lmpulse was to go down and rescue hlm... 我第一个念头是冲下去救他
[25:25.60]...but as I learned on our second date, that would be codependent. 但我在和他第二次出去时知道 这会变成一种惯性
[25:31.44]Stlll, I felt I had to do somethlng. 但我还是想做点什么
[25:33.72]Here, put this on, you'II get a coId. 把这穿上,你会着凉的
[25:36.20]I hope I fucking die! 我真希望我死掉
[25:41.88]Quiet, asshoIe, I'II caII the cops! -你再不安静我就报警 -你给我闭嘴
[25:41.00]Shut the fuck up, dickweed!
[25:44.96]Carrie! 凯莉,你是我上过最棒的女人
[25:47.76]You were the best fuck I ever had!
[25:50.32]Three weeks later, I got a letter from Patrlck... 三星期后派崔克写了封信给我 说他又回去戒酒了
[25:55.12]...saylng he was back ln the program and wanted to make amends.
[25:56.20]I never saw hlm agaln but I always wondered two thlngs.: 之后我没有再见过他 但我一直在想两件事情
[26:01.80]Was he able to stay sober? 一是他戒酒有没有成功? 还有我在床上真的这么棒吗?
[26:03.40]Am I really that good ln bed?