What parent would trust their child's health to an AI system unless you could run some basic diagnostics? What professional would trust an AI system with job decisions unless you could retrain it the way you might a junior employee? People feel like an afterthought.
They all know that their data is harvested, often without their permission, to create these sophisticated systems. They know that these systems are determining their life opportunities. They also know that nobody ever bothered to ask them how the system should be built, and they certainly have no idea where to go if something goes wrong.
We need a better feedback loop between the people who are making these systems and the people who are best determined to tell us how these AI systems should interact in their world. If you own a piece of technology—it could be a tractor, a smart toothbrush, or a washing machine—you should have the right to repair it if it breaks.
The right to repair needs to extend to artificial intelligence. You could have a diagnostics board where you run basic tests that you design, and if something's wrong, you could report it to the company and hear back when it's fixed. Or you could work with third parties like ethical hackers who make patches for systems like we do today.
You can download them and use them to improve your system the way you want it to be improved. We won't achieve the promised benefits of artificial intelligence unless we figure out how to bring people into the development process.