WikiLeaks: US Intelligence Can Use Electronic Devices to Spy
WikiLeaks has published documents it says show how the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) collects information from electronic devices.
The anti-secrecy group did not say how it received the 8,700 documents and files connected to the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence.
But WikiLeaks said the number is greater than the National Security Agency (NSA) documents provided by Edward Snowden in 2013. Snowden formerly worked as a contractor for the NSA.
但是维基解密网站表示,这批文件的数量已经超过了2013年爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)提供的国家安全局文件。斯诺登此前曾担任国家安全局的承包商。
VOA and other news media could not confirm if the documents released on Tuesday accurately describe CIA efforts to get information from smart phones, televisions and computers.
Jonathan Liu, spokesman for the CIA, said the agency does not comment on whether leaked documents are real.
中情局发言人乔纳斯·刘(Jonathan Liu)表示,该机构对这些泄漏的真实性不发表评论。
One of the more sensational examples of hacking reported by WikiLeaks involved Samsung smart televisions.
WikiLeaks said the CIA infected some smart TVs with a computer virus known as "Weeping Angel." The virus created a "fake off" button that left owners thinking the receiver wasn't operating.
维基解密表示,中情局用一种名为“Weeping Angel”的电脑病毒感染了一些智能电视。这种病毒创建了一个“假关机”按钮,让用户以为电视机没有打开。
But while in the "off position," the TV reportedly would record discussions and send the recordings over the Internet to a CIA computer.
WikiLeaks said the agency developed tools that could also work around security measures on Apple iPhones and Google's Android phones.
Infected phones could be programmed to send the CIA the location of the user, along with messages and other information. The hack also activated the phone's camera and microphone, WikiLeaks reported.
The website described one program it says has been tested against Microsoft's Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 computer operating systems. It enters coding information that enables a hacker to gain use of the program's memory and other controls.
该网站描述了一个据称针对微软的windows XP、Vista和Windows 7电脑操作系统做过测试的程序。它会输入编码信息允许黑客获得程序的内存和其它控件的使用权。
All this happens, WikiLeaks said, without the knowledge of the computer's owner.
WikiLeaks also said the CIA was looking into ways to infect control systems used on modern cars. The purpose is not known WikiLeaks suggested it could allow the agency to kill enemies and terrorists.
WikiLeaks said the CIA also collected information on how other countries, including Russia, do internet spying.
In addition to its main offices in Virginia, the agency also has an office in Frankfurt, Germany. It serves as a secret base for computer spying in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, WikiLeaks said.
Bob Ayers, a retired U.S. intelligence official, told the Associated Press that damage from WikiLeaks' latest release is high.
美国退役情报官员鲍勃·艾尔斯(Bob Ayers)对美联社表示,维基解密最近发布的文件造成的损害非常大。
But he said WikiLeaks has said it plans to release even more material, which could do even more damage.
WikiLeaks said the person or persons who provided the documents did so to start a discussion on whether the CIA is going beyond its official powers.
Sean Spicer, press secretary for President Donald Trump, would not comment on the WikiLeaks report.
川普总统的白宫新闻发言人肖恩·斯派塞(Sean Spicer)不愿对维基解密的报告发表评论。
WikiLeaks publishes secret information, often provided by people who do not want to be identified. It was founded in 2006 by Julian Assange.
维基解密负责发布机密信息,这些机密信息通常由不愿意透漏身份的人士提供。该网站由朱利安·阿桑奇(Julian Assange)于2006年成立。
Some U.S. intelligence officials have said that WikiLeaks provided information used to hurt former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections. Clinton was the Democratic Party's candidate for president. Officials accused Russian intelligence agencies of using the information to help Donald Trump, the Republican candidate.
一些美国情报官员表示,维基解密在2016年美国大选中提供信息用于中伤前国务卿希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)。克林顿是民主党总统候选人。美国官员指责俄罗斯情报机构利用这些信息帮助共和党总统候选人唐纳德·川普(Donald Trump)。
Trump won the election and now is in his 2nd month as president.
I'm Jonathan Evans.
WikiLeaks has published documents it says show how the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) collects information from electronic devices.
The anti-secrecy group did not say how it received the 8,700 documents and files connected to the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence.
But WikiLeaks said the number is greater than the National Security Agency (NSA) documents provided by Edward Snowden in 2013. Snowden formerly worked as a contractor for the NSA.
VOA and other news media could not confirm if the documents released on Tuesday accurately describe CIA efforts to get information from smart phones, televisions and computers.
Jonathan Liu, spokesman for the CIA, said the agency does not comment on whether leaked documents are real.
One of the more sensational examples of hacking reported by WikiLeaks involved Samsung smart televisions.
WikiLeaks said the CIA infected some smart TVs with a computer virus known as “Weeping Angel.” The virus created a “fake off” button that left owners thinking the receiver wasn’t operating.
But while in the “off position,” the TV reportedly would record discussions and send the recordings over the Internet to a CIA computer.
WikiLeaks said the agency developed tools that could also work around security measures on Apple iPhones and Google’s Android phones.
Infected phones could be programmed to send the CIA the location of the user, along with messages and other information. The hack also activated the phone’s camera and microphone, WikiLeaks reported.
The website described one program it says has been tested against Microsoft’s Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 computer operating systems. It enters coding information that enables a hacker to gain use of the program’s memory and other controls.
All this happens, WikiLeaks said, without the knowledge of the computer’s owner.
WikiLeaks also said the CIA was looking into ways to infect control systems used on modern cars. The purpose is not known WikiLeaks suggested it could allow the agency to kill enemies and terrorists.
WikiLeaks said the CIA also collected information on how other countries, including Russia, do internet spying.
In addition to its main offices in Virginia, the agency also has an office in Frankfurt, Germany. It serves as a secret base for computer spying in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, WikiLeaks said.
Bob Ayers, a retired U.S. intelligence official, told the Associated Press that damage from WikiLeaks’ latest release is high.
But he said WikiLeaks has said it plans to release even more material, which could do even more damage.
WikiLeaks said the person or persons who provided the documents did so to start a discussion on whether the CIA is going beyond its official powers.
Sean Spicer, press secretary for President Donald Trump, would not comment on the WikiLeaks report.
WikiLeaks publishes secret information, often provided by people who do not want to be identified. It was founded in 2006 by Julian Assange.
Some U.S. intelligence officials have said that WikiLeaks provided information used to hurt former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections. Clinton was the Democratic Party’s candidate for president. Officials accused Russian intelligence agencies of using the information to help Donald Trump, the Republican candidate.
Trump won the election and now is in his 2nd month as president.
I'm Jonathan Evans.
Words in This Story
contractor - n. a person who is paid to perform work or to provide goods at a certain price or within a given time
determine - v. to find out information
accurately - adv. free from mistakes or errors
sensational - adj. causing very great excitement or interest with shocking details
hacking - n. to secretly gain use to the files of a computer or computer network in order to get information or cause damage
fake - adj. not real
microphone - n. a device into which people speak or sing in order to record their voices or to make them sound louder
coding - n. of or related to a series of directions for a computer