教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:632  
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    Lew: Boo!! Boo!! Your team sucks!


    Alexa: Sit down and stop heckling the visiting team. You’re making a fool of yourself.


    Lew: I’m supporting our team. If I keep taunting the players on the other team, they may lose their concentration and we’ll gain an advantage.


    Alexa: If you keep this up, we’ll get kicked out of this stadium.


    Lew: We won’t get kicked out. Get into the spirit of the game and start yelling at the other team with me. Hey, it’s working! Look at that pathetic attempt to score. You guys are a bunch of babies!


    Alexa: Stop that! Look, security is coming this way.


    Lew: They just want to catch a glimpse of the person who has the guts to stand up for our team. Whoo! Whoo!

    卢:他们只是想看看谁这么有胆量为我们球队喝彩。Whoo! Whoo!

    Alexa: If anyone asks, I don’t know you.



    Lew: Boo!! Boo!! Your team sucks!

    Alexa: Sit down and stop heckling the visiting team. You’re making a fool of yourself.

    Lew: I’m supporting our team. If I keep taunting the players on the other team, they may lose their concentration and we’ll gain an advantage.

    Alexa: If you keep this up, we’ll get kicked out of this stadium.

    Lew: We won’t get kicked out. Get into the spirit of the game and start yelling at the other team with me. Hey, it’s working! Look at that pathetic attempt to score. You guys are a bunch of babies!

    Alexa: Stop that! Look, security is coming this way.

    Lew: They just want to catch a glimpse of the person who has the guts to stand up for our team. Whoo! Whoo!

    Alexa: If anyone asks, I don’t know you.

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客619:手机套餐(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客621:做基本练习(双语)

