地道美语听力播客692: 五金店买工具(双语)
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:496  
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    Chuck: Just remember that we have a lot to accomplish today, so let’s just get what we need and go, okay?


    Ayaka: Sure, we just need a few tools for our DIY project. The power tools are over there.


    Chuck: Whoa, we’re not getting power tools. We just need a few simple hand tools: a hammer, a wrench, a chisel, some pliers – and maybe an extra screwdriver or two.


    Ayaka: We would get the job done so much more quickly if we had power tools. Instead of a hammer, we should get a nail gun. We also need a power drill, and hey, a sander and a table saw.


    Chuck: A table saw?! We’re doing some simple repairs, not remodeling our house.


    Ayaka: You never know when you need a good saw and I’ve always wanted a table saw.


    Chuck: Other women want clothes and jewelry, and you want power tools?


    Ayaka: That right. You should be counting your lucky stars!



    Chuck: Just remember that we have a lot to accomplish today, so let’s just get what we need and go, okay?

    Ayaka: Sure, we just need a few tools for our DIY project. The power tools are over there.

    Chuck: Whoa, we’re not getting power tools. We just need a few simple hand tools: a hammer, a wrench, a chisel, some pliers – and maybe an extra screwdriver or two.

    Ayaka: We would get the job done so much more quickly if we had power tools. Instead of a hammer, we should get a nail gun. We also need a power drill, and hey, a sander and a table saw.

    Chuck: A table saw?! We’re doing some simple repairs, not remodeling our house.

    Ayaka: You never know when you need a good saw and I’ve always wanted a table saw.

    Chuck: Other women want clothes and jewelry, and you want power tools?

    Ayaka: That right. You should be counting your lucky stars!

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客691: 使用违禁药物(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客693: 购买电子书(双语)

