英语小达人每天10分钟 30 Warmth for Everyone
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    Unit 8 Warmth for Everyone

    第8单元 温暖满人间

    Tomorrow is a special day. Each year on December 24th, our family gathers together the unused blankets and jackets we have in our house.


    We then take the pile, put them into our stationwagon, and drive around the city giving them to street people.We also bake cookies and hand them out, too. Sometimes my dog, Danny, shares his doggy treats, and I pass them out to the dogs that live on the streets with their owners.


    Last year, we met a woman who lived on the corner of 6th and knight.When she saw the red ribbon in my hair, she smiled. She said her favorite color was red. I remembered that in the car there was a red blanket with pink flowers. I ran and got it for her. She told me she loved it. Sometimes, we see the same people year after year.


    This year, I saved my allowance and bought the lady on 6th and Knight a red scarf.If I see her tomorrow, I will give it to her. If I don't see her, I guess I will just give it to someone else who likes red.


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