第22单元 外星人
Wendy and Allan were playing in their backyard when they saw a strange light in the sky coming toward them. The light got closer and closer. It was coming from a strange ship.
Wendy and Allan couldn't believe their eyes. It was an alien spaceship and it was landing in their backyard.
The door of the ship opened, but nothing came outside. Wendy was braver than Allan. She walked into the ship. Allan followed his sister. Inside, Wendy met a small green alien with big eyes. Then the door shut and the spaceship took off with Wendy and Allan still inside.
The ship took them to another planet where the little green man lived. There were lots of little green aliens. They had a strange language that the kids could not understand.
Although the aliens were friendly, Wendy and Allan wanted to go home. So, the spaceship took them back to their house. Wendy and Allan took them back to their house. Wendy and Allan never told anyone about their trip because who would believe them. Would you?