牛津书虫系列 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 中英双文本06
教程:书虫2级 爱丽丝漫游奇境记  浏览:6176  
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    6 The Queen's game of croquet 王后的槌球游戏

    Near the door there was a rose-tree and three gardeners, who werelooking at the roses in a very worried way.


    the matter?'Alice said to them.


    'You see,Miss,'said the first gardener,'theseroses are white,but the Queen only likes red roses,and she—'


    'The Queen!'said the second gardener suddenly,and at once,the threegardeners lay down flat on their faces.Alice turned round and saw a great crowd of people.


    It was a pack of cards,walking throughthe garden.There were clubs(they were soldiers),and diamonds,and ten little children(they were hearts).Nextcame some Kings and Queens.Then Alice saw the White Rabbit,and behind him, the Knave of Hearts.And last ofall,came THE KING AND QUEEN OF HEARTS.


    When the crowd camenear to Alice,they all stopped and looked at her,and the Queen said,'Who are you?'


    'My name is Alice,Your Majesty,'said Alice very politely.But shethought to herself,'They're only a pack of cards.I don't need to be afraid of them!'


    'And who are these?'said the Queen,looking at thethree gardeners.Then she saw the white roses,and her face turned red and angry.'Off with their heads!'sheshouted,and soldiers hurried up to take the gardeners away.The Queen turned to Alice.'Can you play croquet?'she shouted.



    'Yes!'shouted Alice.


    'Come on,then!'shouted the Queen.The crowd began to move on,and Alice went with them.


    'It's—it's a very fine day,'said a worried voice in herear.Alice saw that the White Rabbit was by her side.


    'Very fine,'said Alice.'Where's the Duchess?'


    'Shhh!'saidthe Rabbit in a hurried voice.'She's in prison,waiting for execution.'


    'What for?'said Alice.


    But just then the Queen shouted,'Get to your places!',and the game began.


    It was the strangest game of croquet in Alice'slife!The balls were hedgehogs,and the mallets were flamingoes.And the hoops were made by soldiers,whoturned over and stood on their hands and feet.Alice held her flamingo's body under her arm,but the flamingoturned its long neck first this way and then that way.At last,Alice was ready to hit the ball with theflamingo's head.But by then,the hedgehog was tired of waiting and was walking away across the croquet-groundAnd when both the flamingo and the hedgehog were ready,there was no hoop!The soldiers too were always gettingup and walking away.It really was a very difficult game,Alice thought.


    The players allplayed at the same time,and they were al- ways arguing and fighting for hedgehogs.Nobody could agree aboutanything.Very soon,the Queen was wildly angry,and went around shouting'Off with his head!'or'Off with herhead!'about once a minute.


    Alice began to feel worried.'The Queenis sure to argue with me soon,'she thought.'And what will happen to me then?They're cutting people's headsoff all the time here.I'm surprised there is anyone left alive!'


    Just then she saw something verystrange.She watched carefully,and after a minute or two she saw that the thing was a grin.'It's the CheshireCat,'she said to herself.'Now I'll have somebody to talk to.'


    'How are you getting on?'saidthe Cat,when its mouth appeared.


    Alice waited.'I can't talk tosomething without ears,'she thought.Slowly the Cat's eyes,then its ears,and then the rest of its headappeared.But it stopped at the neck,and its body did not appear.


    Alice began to tell theCat all about the game.'It's very difficult to play,'she said.'Everybody argues all the time, and the hoopsand the hedgehogs walk away.'


    'How do you like the Queen?'said the Cat quietly.


    'I don't,'said Alice.'She's very—'Just then she saw the Queen behind her,so she went on,'—clever.She's the best

    player here.'



    The Queen smiled and walked past.


    'Who are you talking to?'said theKing.He came up behind Alice and looked at the Cat's head in surprise.


    'It's a friend of mine—a Cheshire Cat,'said Alice.“


    'I'm not sure that I like it,'said the King.'But it can touch my hand if it likes.'



    'I prefer not to,'said the Cat.


    'Well!'said the King angrily.He called out to the Queen, 'My dear!There's a cat here,and I don'tlike it.'


    The Queen did not lookround.'Off with its head!'she shouted.'Call for the executioner!


    Alice was a little worried for her friend,but when the executioner arrived,everybody began toargue.


    'I can't cut off a head,'said the executioner,'if there isn't a body to cut it off from.'


    'Youcan cut the head off,'said the King,'from anything that's got a head.'


    'If somebody doesn't do something quickly,'said the Queen,'I'll cut everybody's head off.'


    Nobody liked that plan very much,so they all turned to Alice.'And what do you say?'they cried.


    'TheCat belongs to the Duchess,'said Alice carefully.'Perhaps you could ask her about it.'


    'She's in prison,'the Queen said to the executioner.'Bring herhere at once.'


    But then the Cat's head slowly began tovanish,and when the executioner came back with the Duchess,there was nothing there.The King ran wildly upand down,looking for the Cat,and the Duchess put her arm round Alice.'I'm so pleased to see you again,mydear!'she said.



    'Let's get on with the game,'the Queen saidangrily,and Alice followed her back to the croquet-ground.


    The game went on,but all the time the Queen was arguing, and shouting'Off with his head!'or'Offwith her head!' Soon there were no hoops left,because the soldiers(who were the hoops)were too busy takingeverybody to prison.And at the end there were only three players left—the King,the Queen,and Alice.


    The Queen stopped shouting andsaid to Alice,'Have you seen the Mock Turtle yet?'


    Alice.'I'm not sure what a Mock Turtle is.'


    'Then come with me,'said the Queen.


    They found the Mock Turtle down by the sea.Next to him was a Gryphon,asleep in the sun.Then the Queen hurried away,saying,'I have to get on with some executions.


    The Gryphonwoke up,and said sleepily to Alice,'It's just talk,you know.They never execute anybody.'


    Alice was pleased to hear this.Shefelt a little afraid of the Gryphon and the Mock Turtle,because they were so large.But they were veryfriendly,and sang songs and told her many stories about their lives.The Mock Turtle was in the middle of a

    very sad song when they all heard a shout a long way away: 'It's beginning!'


    'Come on!We must hurry!'cried the Gryphon.It took Alice by the hand and began to run.“


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