"Tell me more," I asked desperately, not caring what he said, just so I could hear his voiceagain.
He looked at me quickly, startled by the change in my tone. "What more do you want toknow?"
"Tell me why you hunt animals instead of people," I suggested, my voice still tinged withdesperation. I realized my eyes were wet, and I fought against the grief that was trying tooverpower me.
"I don't want to be a monster." His voice was very low.
"But animals aren't enough?"
He paused. "I can't be sure, of course, but I'd compare it to living on tofu and soy milk; we callourselves vegetarians, our little inside joke. It doesn't completely satiate the hunger — orrather thirst. But it keens us strong enough to resist. Most of the time." His tone turnedominous.