But our eyes held, and the silence deepened — andchanged. Flickers of the electricity I'd felt thisafternoon began to charge the atmosphere as he gazed unrelentingly into my eyes. It wasn'tuntil my head started to swim that I realized I wasn't breathing. When I drew in a jaggedbreath, breaking the stillness, he closed his eyes.
"Bella, I think you should go inside now." His low voice was rough, his eyes on the clouds again.
I opened the door, and the arctic draft that burst into the car helped clear my head. Afraid Imight stumble in my woozy state, I stepped carefully out of the car and shut the door behindme without looking back. The whir of the automatic window unrolling made me turn.
"Oh, Bella?" he called after me, his voice more even. He leaned toward the open window with afaint smile on his lips.
"Tomorrow it's my turn."
"Your turn to what?"
He smiled wider, flashing his gleaming teeth. "Ask the questions."
And then he was gone, the car speeding down the street and disappearing around the cornerbefore I could even collect my thoughts. I smiled as I walked to the house. It was clear he wasplanning to see me tomorrow, if nothing else.