When I woke I was still tired, but edgy as well. I pulled on my brown turtleneck and theinescapable jeans, sighing as I daydreamed of spaghetti straps and shorts. Breakfast was theusual, quiet event I expected. Charlie fried eggs for himself; I had my bowl of cereal. I wonderedif he had forgotten about this Saturday. He answered my unspoken question as he stood up totake his plate to the sink.
"About this Saturday…" he began, walking across the kitchen and turning on the faucet.
I cringed. "Yes, Dad?"
"Are you still set on going to Seattle?" he asked.
"That was the plan." I grimaced, wishing he hadn't brought it up so I wouldn't have to composecareful half-truths.
He squeezed some dish soap onto his plate and swirled it around with the brush. "And you'resure you can't make it back in time for the dance?"
"I'm not going to the dance, Dad." I glared.
"Didn't anyone ask you?" he asked, trying to hide his concern by focusing on rinsing the plate.
I sidestepped the minefield. "It's a girl's choice."
"Oh." He frowned as he dried his plate.