I went to class, feeling dutiful. I couldn't honestly say what happened in Biology; my mind wastoo preoccupied with thoughts of tomorrow. In Gym, Mike was speaking to me again; he wishedme a good time in Seattle. I carefully explained that I'd canceled my trip, worried about mytruck.
"Are you going to the dance with Cullen?" he asked, suddenly sulky.
"No, I'm not going to the dance at all."
"What are you doing, then?" he asked, too interested.
My natural urge was to tell him to butt out. Instead, I lied brightly.
"Laundry, and then I have to study for the Trig test or I'm going to fail."
"Is Cullen helping you study?"
"Edward," I emphasized, "is not going to help me study. He's gone away somewhere for theweekend." The lies came more naturally than usual, I noted with surprise.
"Oh." He perked up. "You know, you could come to the dance with our group anyway — thatwould be cool. We'd all dance with you," he promised.
The mental image of Jessica's face made my tone sharper than necessary.
"I'm not going to the dance, Mike, okay?"
"Fine." He sulked again. "I was just offering."
When the school day had finally ended, I walked to the parking lot without enthusiasm. I didnot especially want to walk home, but I couldn't see how he would have retrieved my truck.Then again, I was starting to believe that nothing was impossible for him. The latter instinctproved correct — my truck sat in the same space he'd parked his Volvo in this morning. I shookmy head, incredulous, as I opened the unlocked door and saw the key in the ignition.
"Are you going to the dance with Cullen?" he asked, suddenly sulky.
"No, I'm not going to the dance at all."
"What are you doing, then?" he asked, too interested.
My natural urge was to tell him to butt out. Instead, I lied brightly.
"Laundry, and then I have to study for the Trig test or I'm going to fail."
"Is Cullen helping you study?"
"Edward," I emphasized, "is not going to help me study. He's gone away somewhere for theweekend." The lies came more naturally than usual, I noted with surprise.
"Oh." He perked up. "You know, you could come to the dance with our group anyway — thatwould be cool. We'd all dance with you," he promised.
The mental image of Jessica's face made my tone sharper than necessary.
"I'm not going to the dance, Mike, okay?"
"Fine." He sulked again. "I was just offering."
When the school day had finally ended, I walked to the parking lot without enthusiasm. I didnot especially want to walk home, but I couldn't see how he would have retrieved my truck.Then again, I was starting to believe that nothing was impossible for him. The latter instinctproved correct — my truck sat in the same space he'd parked his Volvo in this morning. I shookmy head, incredulous, as I opened the unlocked door and saw the key in the ignition.