1. 文体介绍
订货(order)是买方为要求供应具体数量的货物而提出的一种要求。此时,交易双方之间的陌生感已消除,可以说已经度过了接触障碍和难关。写定货信时应注意以下几点:(1)开头就直接说明订购的意图。 (2)订货信一般应包括:商品的名称、品质、数量、包装、价格条件、支付条件以及需要对方提供的单据等。(3)内容必须准确、清楚。不论是商品的价格还是商品的规格都应做到准确无误,否则会带来不必要的损失与麻烦。
(1)Subject:An order订货
Gentlemen:The price quotes contained in your E-mail of May 20,2002 gained favorable attention with us.We would like to order the following items consisting of various colors, patterns and assortments:先生们:2002年5月20日电子邮件报价深受欢迎。我拟选各种颜色、式样、品种的衬衫如下:
Large 2000 dozen大号 2000打
Medium 4000 dozen中号 4000打
Small 2000 dozen小号 2000打
As the sales season is approaching, the total order quantity should be shipped in July. At that time an irrevocable L/C for the total purchase value will be opened.Please confirm the order and E-mail a shipping schedule.售季将至,全部货物应于7月登轮。届时全额不可撤销 信用证 将予以开出。请确认订货,用电子邮件告知装运时间表。
(2)Subject: Out of Stock主题;缺货
Dear Sir,We thank you for your Order No.222 received this morning for 8000 dozen cotton shirts, but regret to have to disappoint you.At present we have no stock of shirts in the size required and do not expect further deliveries for at least another five weeks. Before then you may have been to obtain the shirts elsewhere, but if not we will notify you immediately our new stocks come in. 亲爱的先生:我们今早接到贵方222号订单,定购8000打棉质衬衫,十分感谢。但可能要使贵方失望了,十分抱歉。目前我们没有贵方所需尺寸的衬衫存货,而且至少在5个星期内亦不会有货。在此期间贵方可从别处购买衬衫,如未能购到,一旦新货运到,我们定当立即通知贵方。
Yours faithfully,
a.We have pleasure in sending you an order for Cosmetics.我们愉快的给贵方寄去化妆品订单。
b.We want the goods to be of exactly the same quality as that of those you previously supplied us. 我们希望此批订货质量与以前供应的完全一样。
c.Please supply ... in accordance with the detail in our order No..请照我方第。。号订单供货。