They had four children and six grandchildren. Someone was knocking loudly at their front door. It was almost midnight. "Oh, dear, it's them again," she said. "How many times have they come here? They come late at night. They go from room to room. They never find anything. They never apologize." Her husband went to the front door. "Come in, officers," he said. "Feel free to search our house again. Good luck finding drugs." An officer said, "Sit down at the dining table with your wife, sir." The officers searched the house. They left the house. "We should call the police," she said. "But they are the police," he said. "I mean some other police," she said. "What other police?" he asked. "They're the only police we've got. I know—let's call the TV news. The police don't like to be embarrassed on TV. I'll call WPIX first thing tomorrow.”