Henry had a good job. But he didn't have a girlfriend. "Why don't you have a girlfriend?" his mother asked. "You need a girlfriend, so you can get married and have kids. That way I'll have some grandchildren." Henry said, "Do you want me to have a girlfriend, or do you want you to have grandchildren?" His mom said, "Both! So I'm going to find you a girlfriend. I have plenty of friends who have unmarried daughters." A week later, she said, "I've found the perfect girl for us. Mary is your age. She has a good job. Her mom says she's looking for a husband." Henry said, "Forget it! I'm not going to date someone who's desperate to get married. She probably isn't married yet because there's something wrong with her." His mom said, "Really? Maybe there's something wrong with you too. Maybe two wrongs can make a right."