Clyde went for a job interview. The school was on 8th Avenue. He told the receptionist, "I have a 3 o'clock interview with Jessica." She said, "She'll be with you shortly." Clyde examined some books while he waited. They were ESL books called "Interchange." He was familiar with them. He had used them for many years to teach ESL students. A young woman approached him. She introduced herself. He followed her into an empty room. They sat down. He said, "You are very young." She smiled weakly. She told him about the school. She asked him some questions. Then she asked if he had any questions. He didn't. She said, "I'll let you know by Friday, one way or the other." They got up. He said, "I can't get over how young you are." She looked at him oddly. He left. She didn't let him know on Friday or thereafter.