The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth wouldsee me. I felt very nervous when I went into hisoffice. He did not look up from his desk when Ientered. After I had sat down, he said that businesswas very bad. He told me that the firm could notafford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people hadalready left. I knew that my turn had come. ‘Mr.Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice. ‘Don'tinterrupt,' he said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra &100 ayear!
7.I knew that my turn had come.
语言点 turn在此为名词。对比:
1)(口语)Ifs my turn. = I am the next one.该轮到我了。
2)(书面)My turn has come.= My chance / opportunity has come.该轮到我了。
8.‘Mr. Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice.
语言点 in a weak voice用微弱的声音(由于心虚或虚弱);in a whisper小声说话,耳语;in a strcmgvoice用有力的声音;loud voice高声;low voice低声
9.‘Don't interrupt,' he said.
语言点 Don’t...结构为祈使句,经常表示一种命令:Don’t look at me.别看着我! Don’t cry.不准哭!Don’t say no.别说不!
10.Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra &100 a year!
语言点1 receive表示客观上收到,在此并不是马上给钱,只是个口头承诺。
语言点2 would为will的过去式,过去说要在将来加钱,因此用过去将来时。
语言点3 extra意为“额外的”,作定语,修饰pounds,表示额外的钱。
比较学习:extra,more, others, another
1)数量+ extra / more + 名词:two extra / more pens
2)数量+ others:two others
3)another + 数量 + 名词:another two pens, another two weeks