The most frightening thing ofall was that not a sound could be heard. There was no doubt that we were unwelcomevisitors. We needed no further warning. Turning back down the main street, wequickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream where we hopedthe boatman was waiting.
31.The most frightening thing of all was that not a sound could be heard.
语言点:句子结构分析:can be heard的意思是“可以被听到。”
32.There was no doubt that we were unwelcome visitors.
语言点:句子结构分析:there is/was no doubt that…相当于it is/was needless to say…。
33.We needed no further warning.
语言点:need no相当于do not need。
34.Turning back down the main street, we quickened our pace and made our wayrapidly towards the stream where we hoped the boatman was waiting.