There were wonderful friendly people everywhere, but it was a desperately poor place.Peopleused the bathroom inside and it flowed out into the open gutter and straight into the river.Wetouched a boy with a limp leg, the result of paralysis from polio.Lucy and I were in rural India,one of the few places where Polio still exists.Polio is transmitted fecal to oral, usually throughfilthy
water.Well, my Dad had Polio.He went on a trip to Tennessee in the first grade and he caughtit.He was hospitalized for two months and had to be transported by military DC-3 back homehis first flight.
My Dad wrote,"Then, I had to stay in bed for over a year, before I started back to school."Thatis actually a quote from his fifth grade autobiography.My Dad had difficulty breathing hiswhole life,and the Polio are what took him from us too soon.He would have been veryupset,that Polio still persists even though we have a vaccine.He would have been equally upsetthat back in India we had polio virus on our shoes from walking through the contaminatedgutters that spread the disease.We were spreading the virus with every footstep,right underbeautiful kids playing everywhere.The world is on the verge of eliminating polio,with 328 peopleinfected so far.Let's get it eradicated soon.Perhaps one of you will do that.