What we didn't anticipate was the many, many other uses that would evolve from this verysimple system. One of the things we realized was how important Twitter could be during real-time events. When the wildfires broke out in San Diego, in October of 2007, people turned toTwitter to report what was happening and to find information from neighbors about what washappening around them.
But it wasn't just individuals. The L.A. Times actually turned to Twitter to dispense informationas well, and put a Twitter feed on the front page, and the L.A. Fire Department and Red Crossused it to dispense news and updates as well. At this event, dozens of people are Twitteringand thousands of people are following along because they want to know what it feels like to behere and what's happening.
Among the other interesting things that have cropped up is many things from businesses,from marketing and communications and predictable things to an insanely popular Koreanbarbecue taco truck that drives around L.A. and Twitters where it stops causing a line to formaround the block.