The notification said all buyers of gasoline in bulk must present identification and may buy the gasoline they need only at stations designated by police stations that issued the permits.
“散装汽油”既可用gasoline in bulk表示,也可直接用bulk gasoline表达,比如,bulk gasoline delivery(散装汽油送货),buy gasoline in bulk(购买散装汽油);超市里出售的“散装糖果”自然就是bulk candies了。
该通告规定,单位购买散装汽油的,经办人需提供单位介绍信(letter of introduction)(注明用途、数量)、营业执照复印件(copy of business license)和本人身份证件,到单位所在地派出所开具购油证明(acquire permit from local police station),后到指定的加油站购买;个人购买散装汽油的,购买人需提供由居住地居(村)委会出具的统一制式的购买申请(application approved by a local neighborhood or village committee)(注明用途、数量),持本人身份证件,到居住地派出所开具购油证明,后到指定的加油站购买。购买的汽油应使用制式铁桶(standard iron drums approved by the government)盛装。