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    The Après-Graduation Apartment


    Having graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology and vacated her dorm room, Danica Ciccariello needed to find a new place to live last summer.

    去年夏天,丹妮卡·奇卡雷洛(Danica Ciccariello)从时装技术学院(Fashion Institute of Technology)毕业并搬出宿舍后,需要找一个新的地方住。

    A friend connected her with Teresa Sanacore and Sarah Pascuzzi, newly graduated from Siena College in Loudonville, N.Y.

    一位朋友把她介绍给了特雷莎·圣阿科雷(Teresa Sanacore)和莎拉·帕斯库奇(Sarah Pascuzzi)。她们都是劳顿维尔(Loudonville)锡耶纳学院(Siena College)的应届毕业生。



    THE RENTERS From left, Sarah Pascuzzi, Danica Ciccariello and Teresa Sanacore have settled in.


    The three joined forces, figuring it would be easier and cheaper to find a two-bedroom to share among three than a one-bedroom to share between two.


    Wandering around the East Village in the early summer, having received no answer to their knock at an apartment they were scheduled to see, the three young women stumbled upon a father moving his daughter into a walk-up building. He invited them to see her place. Four roommates were sharing a three-bedroom “flexed” into a four-bedroom, similar to what they sought.

    初夏时节,她们在东村(East Village)四处游荡,本打算去看一套公寓,但是敲了门却没人应。三个姑娘碰巧遇到一位父亲在帮女儿搬家。房子位于一处无电梯楼盘里。他邀请她们进去看看女儿的住处。那是一套被“收缩”成了四居室的三居室,有四人合租,跟她们想找的那种房子差不多。

    They inquired about the rental agent who had helped the foursome, and were directed to Gina Majore Bonner of Miron Properties. Within hours, the three were meeting with her.

    她们打听了帮助四人找到三居室的租房经纪人,由此联系上了房地产公司Miron Properties的吉娜·马约雷·邦纳(Gina Majore Bonner) 。几小时内,三个人就跟她见了面。

    They weren’t sure where to hunt. “The only places I’d heard of were the East Village and the Upper East Side,” said Ms. Sanacore, who works at a metal trading company. So she left potential locations to her roommates, who selected the East Village and the Lower East Side.


    Their monthly budget was $3,000 to $3,600, which was “ridiculously low” for a three-bedroom in a hot neighborhood, Ms. Bonner said. But they were likely to find a two-bedroom that would “flex” into three. Partitioning a living area, they had decided, was preferable to having two of them share a bedroom.


    If the bedrooms were of unequal sizes, Ms. Pascuzzi, who works at a home décor wholesaler, wanted the biggest bedroom so she could fit in her bed, which had a sleigh frame.


    “I call it my Christmas bed,” she said. She was willing to pay up to $1,500 a month, the amount paid by a good friend who shared a Lower East Side three-bedroom with roommates.


    In general, the women were prepared to make sacrifices. “We are young,” said Ms. Ciccariello, who works at an interior design company. “We can get away with cutting back spacewise in order to get a better price. As long as a living room was a little more rectilinear, there could be a wall set up.”


    They visited more than a dozen places, often getting their hopes up. “But each one had that one thing that was wrong with it,” Ms. Sanacore said — tiny bedrooms, railroad layouts, inflexible living rooms.


    At first glance, a two-bedroom on Stanton Street seemed suitable. The rent was $3,595. The place was easily convertible to a three-bedroom. It had a nice kitchen and good light.

    乍看之下,斯塔顿街(Staton Street)的一套房租3595美元(约合人民币22004元)的两居室似乎很合适。这里很容易改成三居室,厨房很不错,采光也好。

    But then there was the bathroom: tiny, with a toilet topped by a minuscule wash basin topped by a mirrored medicine chest. All were dumbstruck.


    “You could fit, like, one dish if you did dishes in there,” Ms. Ciccariello said. “It was the oddest thing. If we washed our face, water would be dripping everywhere.”


    They just couldn’t live that way.


    “That apartment cracked us up for hours,” Ms. Bonner said.


    An actual three-bedroom on Avenue B, with new appliances, was everyone’s favorite. At around $3,340 a month, it had a dining area but no real living room.

    B大道(Avenue B)有一套真正的三居室,配了新家电,三个人都很喜欢。房租大约是每月3340美元(约合人民币20443元),公寓里有一片用餐区,但是没有真正的客厅。

    The women, who all had parents as guarantors, rushed to apply. But someone else was given the apartment. “Seeing how quickly it slipped through our fingers was discouraging,” Ms. Pascuzzi said.


    On they went to a place in the East Village for $2,800 a month, substantially less than most of what they had seen. The kitchen was comparatively big, with counter space and room for a table.


    The two bedroom spaces, mirror images, had no windows. Or closets. Or doors, though they did have doorways.


    But the living area was rectilinear, allowing the creation of a third bedroom.


    Ms. Bonner encouraged them to take it, saying that, with the low rent, “you are going to have money to spend to experience the city.” So they signed on for a year, paying a broker fee of 12 percent of a year’s rent, or a bit more than $4,000. Because all the rooms are comparable in size, they split the rent evenly, at $933 each, with one paying $934 on a rotating basis.

    邦纳鼓励她们租下房子,她说,租金这么低,“你们就有钱体验这座城市的生活了。”于是她们签下了一年租约,支付给经纪人年租金12%的酬劳——略高于4000美元(约合人民币24483元)。由于所有房间的大小都差不多,三个人平摊了租金,两人支付933美元(约合人民币5711元),一个人支付 934美元(约合人民币5717元),多的那部分大家轮流出。

    The kitchen is not as large as it seemed. “We thought there was so much space, but we ended up filling up the counter,” Ms. Sanacore said. It holds a microwave, a coffee maker, a wine rack, a dish rack, a toaster and, because that’s where the most daylight is, two plants.


    Ms. Sanacore has a living-room window in her spot, which is sectioned off with a shoji screen and thick curtains.


    Ms. Ciccariello and Ms. Pascuzzi (whose Christmas bed didn’t fit after all) have curtains instead of doors.


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