Using a system that takes into account audits from aviation governing bodies and governments, as well as fatality records, Qantas was named as the safest and most experienced airline going into 2015.
Qantas, who is in its 95th year of operation, was hailed for“an extraordinary record of firsts”in terms of its safety history and ranked the best of 449 airlines, including low-cost carriers, assessed by the website.
The website went on to marvel at Qantas’ fatality-free record in the jet era, given the aforementioned statistics.
AirlineRatings.com praised Qantas for the way in which it monitors the engines of its aircraft using satellite communications, saying“doing so allows the airline to detect problems before they become a major safety issue.”
The remainder of the top 10 in terms of the world`s safest airlines was Air New Zealand, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Emirates, Etihad Airways, EVA Air, Finnair, Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines.
The report follows the worst year for fatal air accidents over the last decade, with AirlineRatings.com mentioning the Malaysian Airlines Flights MH370 and MH17, in addition to the AirAsia Flight QZ8501, as the industry’s worst incidents.
However, despite the record amount of deaths, the overall number of accidents throughout 2014 was at an all-time low. "Certainly, 21 fatal air accidents with 986 fatalities -- higher than the 10-year average -- is sickening,"the report said. "However, the world`s airlines carried a record 3.3 billion passengers on 27 million flights." "Two of the crashes last year -- MH370 and MH17 -- were unprecedented in modern times and claimed 537 lives." "Flashback 50 years and there were a staggering 87 crashes killing 1,597 when airlines carried only 141 million passengers -- 5 percent of today`s number."
虽然2014年全年的空难数量创下历史新低,但是空难死亡人数很高。报告称“21次空难, 986人遇难,这一高于过去十年的平均纪录无疑令人胆寒。去年一年共有航班2700万次,运送旅客33亿人次。仅马航MH370和MH17这两次空难就造成了537人遇难。即使回到 50年前,飞行旅客人数(1.41亿)只有今天的5%,空难数量高达87次,死亡人数才只有1597人。”