英国男子患脸盲症 不识妻儿
Devlin lives in the same house as his children and sees them every day – yet he is unable to recognise them at all.
丹尼尔•德夫林(Daniel Devlin)与他的孩子们生活在同一屋檐下,天天见面,然而,丹尼尔却认不出自己的孩子。
Mr Devlin, 46, from Nunhead, London, is living with a bizarre condition called prosopagnosia, also known as face-blindness, meaning he struggles to recognise faces - even those of his own family.
Mr Devlin, a painter, has been forced to memorise his family's voices and body language in order to know who they are.
But reading voices and body language doesn't always work, and has even mistaken another boy for his son when picking his children up from school before.
Mr Devlin said: 'Humans have a special ability to recognise people by seeing their faces, I really don't have this ability.
'Maybe a good way to imagine what it's like to have prosopagnosia is to try and recognise people by what their hands look like.
'Every person has a different hand but if someone showed you a photo of someone's hands, you might struggle to recognise who the person is, even if that person turns out to be someone you know very well.
'I just thought that everyone was the same or maybe I just wasn't putting in as much effort as others to remember people.
'If I saw my wife Katarina somewhere unexpected and she pretended not to know me, then I'm not sure I would know it was her.
'It often leaves me in some awkward situations, especially when I don't recognise people that I should or think I know people that I don't.
'I have learnt to recognise people based on their body language and voices instead.'
Experts said propagnosia is not linked to problems with vision, memory or intelligence.
Instead, it is thought to be the result of impairment in the right 'fusiform gyrus' of the brain - a fold that appears to coordinate facial perception and memory.
相反,专家认为这是大脑右侧梭状回(fusiform gyrus)受损的结果,这部分脑回可能有协调面部认知和记忆力的作用。
This could be as a result of a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or some neurodegenerative diseases.
Or, in cases such as Mr Devlin's - the condition is present at birth, and the pathways in the brain responsible for recognition never developed properly.
Though he now knows he has had the had the condition all his life, Mr Devlin was only diagnosed in the last few years, through sheer chance.
He said: 'I heard a programme about it on the radio and realised that's what I had.
Test confirmed he was suffering from face-blindness.
It is thought the condition affects up to one in 50 people, the equivalent of about 1.5 million people in the UK.
Some people with prosopagnosia may only struggle to recognise a familiar face, but in more severe cases sufferers cannot distinguish a face as being different from an object.
Some sufferers are unable to recognise their own faces.
bizarre: 怪异的
prosopagnosia: 人面失认症
awkward: 尴尬的
impairment: 损伤
fusiform gyrus: 梭状回
traumatic: 创伤的
neurodegenerative: 神经变性的
pathway: 通路
diagnose: 诊断