教程:英语微信精选  浏览:151  
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    1."You can't do it",that's the biggest lie on earth. “你不行”是世界上最大的谎言。

    2.The value of life lies not in the length of days,but in what we make of them. 生命的价值不在于能活多少天,而在于我们如何利用这些日子。

    3.The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 失去某人最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

    4.You don't have to see the whole staircase,just take the first step. 你无需见到楼梯全貌,只需要迈出第一步。

    5.Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale. 生活本身就是最美妙的童话故事。

    6.Independence is the best armor for girls. 独立是女孩子最好的铠甲。

    7.It's not worth pining about trifles; Don't be sad about great things. 为小事而常介怀,不值;为大事而常悲戚,不该。

    8.When one has suffered too much, he really does not expect anything anymore. 当一个人撑过太多,就真的不再期待什么了。

    9.Unfortunately, when I said what I didn't mean, you did too. 遗憾的是:我说出违心的话,你也随了我的意。

    10.God will not make inexplicable decisions for no reason, it makes you give up and wait, is to give you the best. 上天不会无缘无故做出莫名其妙的决定,它让你放弃和等待,是为了给你最好的。

    11.It is nothing to miss someone when you are lonely, but it is different to miss someone when it is busy. 寂寞的时候想念一个人不算什么,但如果是热闹的时候想念,又不同了。

    12.The earphone cable is like an infusion tube. When you listen to music, it's like taking a drip when you are sick. It's a healing process. 耳机线像是输液管,听音乐的时候很像生病打点滴,是一个治愈的过程。

    13.May you always be gentle and have no enmity with the world. 永远温柔,与世无仇

    14.We cannot replace thinking with laughter, we cannot cover up suffering with amusement, and we cannot deprive ourselves of empathy and compassion by entertaining ourselves to death. 不能用笑声代替思考,不能用消遣掩盖苦难,更不能用娱乐至死的方式让我们失去同理心和悲悯心。

    15.Now I am neither happy nor unhappy. Everything will pass. This is the only thing I am accept as truth in all my experiences in the so-called "world". Everything will pass. 如今的我,谈不上幸福,也谈不上不幸。一切都会过去的。在所谓“人世间”摸爬滚打至今,我唯一愿意视为真理的,就只有这一句话。一切都会过去的。

    16.Life shouldn't always be defined by others, it shouldn't be someone telling you how to do it, but it's up to you to know what you should do. 人生不应该总被别人定义,不应该是别人告诉你怎么做,而是该由你明白自己该怎么做

    17.There will be a lot of things I feel I can't overcome, but after trying hard, I know that what is difficult to overcome is my laziness and lack of self-discipline. 会有很多事情觉得自己肯定克服不了,可是去努力试过之后才知道很难去克服的不过是自己的懒惰和不自律而已

    18.Be nice to the person who stands by you when you're in trouble, because not everyone is going to be willing to accompany you through difficult times. 对那个在你艰难时候陪伴你的人好一些,因为不是所有人都会愿意陪你度过难关

    19.If you wait until the flower has withered before you think about watering it, it's a bit redundant. 那朵花都枯萎了,你才想起来去浇水,就有点多余了。

    20.I apologize for all the darkness and unpleasantness of the past. When the light of tomorrow falls on me, I hope to expel all the mud. 我向过去所有的阴暗与不堪道歉,当明天的光辉撒到我身上的时候,我希望驱逐掉的是所有泥泞。
      上一篇:双语微信说说:我不懂,是我们有着各自不同的命运 下一篇:双语微信说说:这辈子就这么长,如果不能和喜欢的人在一起


