1.It was as yet too early in the year for much color to appear in the gardens and foliage; the so-called spring was but winter overlaid with a thin coat of greenness. 当时的季节还早,花园和树叶不见浓郁的春色;所谓的春天只不过是冬天覆上了一层薄薄的青绿罢了。
2.Though the sky was dense with cloud a diffused light from some fragment of a moon had hitherto helped them a little. 先前虽然天上乌云密布,但是月亮仍然洒下散光,对他们走路多少有一些帮助。
3.But the moon had now sunk, the clouds seemed to settle almost on their heads, and the night grew as dark as a cave. 现在月亮已经落下去了,乌云似乎就笼罩在他们的头上,天黑得伸手不见五指。
4.However, they found their way along, keeping as much on the turf as possible that their tread might not resound, which it was easy to do, there being no hedge or fence of any kind. 但是他们摸索着往前走,尽量走在草地上,免得脚步发出响声。这是容易做到的,因为在她们周围,既没有树篱,也没有任何形式的围墙。
5.All around was open loneliness and black solitude, over which a stiff breeze blew. 他们四周的一切都是空旷的寂静和黑夜的孤独,还有猛烈的风不停吹着。
6.And as he made the announcement, Durbeyfield, declining from his sitting position, luxuriously stretched himself out upon the bank among the daisies. 他一边宣布这个消息,一边从坐着的姿势倒下去,在开满雏菊的草地上非常舒服地伸展身子。
7.It was not till the rays of the sun had absorbed the young stranger's retreating figure on the hill that she shook off her temporary sadness and answered her would-be partner in the affirmative. 她一直站在那儿等着,直到山坡上那个年轻陌生人的身影在阳光中消失了,她才抛开一时的悲哀,接受了刚才想同她跳舞的人的邀请。
8.His sister became abruptly still, and lapsed into a pondering silence. 他的姐姐突然坐在那儿一动也不动了,陷入沉思默想之中。
9.He leant back against the hives, and with upturned face made observations on the stars, whose cold pulses were beating amid the black hollows above, in serene dissociation from these two wisps of human life. 他仰身向后靠在蜂箱上,仰着脸观察天上的星星,星星冷清的脉搏在头顶上漆黑的夜空里搏动着,静寂无声,同人类生命中这两个小生命相隔遥远。
10.Distress, if not penury, loomed in the distance. 如果说还不会马上贫穷,那么烦恼已经在不远的地方出现了。
11.Vincent loomed over me, as pale and grey as a tombstone. 文森特赫然出现在我面前,脸色苍白阴沉得像块墓碑。
12.Bidding them a hasty goodbye Tess bent her steps up the hill. 苔丝在匆忙中向他们道别以后,就弯腰向山坡上走去。
13.The lurid presentment so powerfully affected her imagination in the silence of the sleeping house that her nightgown became damp with perspiration, and the bedstead shook with each throb of her heart. 睡觉的屋子里一片寂静,恐怖的场面太强烈了,因而她的想象也就更逼真,吓出了一身冷汗,把睡衣都湿透了,她的心猛烈地跳动着,每跳动一次,床也就震动一下。
14.Either the change in the quality of the air from heavy to light, or the sense of being amid new scenes where there were no invidious eyes upon her, sent up her spirits wonderfully. 也许是空气的性质从沉闷到轻松的变化,也许是她觉得已经到了没有人用恶意的眼光看待她的新地方,于是她的精神奇妙地振作起来。
15.Her hopes mingled with the sunshine in an ideal photosphere which surrounded her as she bounded along against the soft south wind. 迎着温柔的南风,她一路跳跃着向前走去,她的希望同阳光融合在一起,似乎幻化成了一道环绕着她的光环。
16.She heard a pleasant voice in every breeze, and in every bird's note seemed to lurk a joy. 在吹来的阵阵微风中,她听得出快乐的声音,在一声声鸟的啼鸣里,也似乎潜藏着欢愉。
17.Amid the oozing fatness and warm ferments of the Var Vale, at a season when the rush of juices could almost be heard below the hiss of fertilization, it was impossible that the most fanciful love should not grow passionate. 在佛卢姆谷里,土壤肥沃得冒油,气候温暖得发酵,在这种季节里,从万物滋生发育的咝咝声中,几乎连草木汁液的奔流都听得见,因此,那种最富有幻想的爱情就不可能不生出缠绵的情意来。
18.The ready bosoms existing there were impregnated by their surroundings. 生活在那儿的胸怀激情的两个人,也都受到了周围环境的感染。
19.Novelty had volcanically started up. 新奇的事物像火山一样喷发出来
20.The house is in full bustle of preparation. 屋子里的人忙得团团转。

1.It was as yet too early in the year for much color to appear in the gardens and foliage; the so-called spring was but winter overlaid with a thin coat of greenness. 当时的季节还早,花园和树叶不见浓郁的春色;所谓的春天只不过是冬天覆上了一层薄薄的青绿罢了。
2.Though the sky was dense with cloud a diffused light from some fragment of a moon had hitherto helped them a little. 先前虽然天上乌云密布,但是月亮仍然洒下散光,对他们走路多少有一些帮助。
3.But the moon had now sunk, the clouds seemed to settle almost on their heads, and the night grew as dark as a cave. 现在月亮已经落下去了,乌云似乎就笼罩在他们的头上,天黑得伸手不见五指。
4.However, they found their way along, keeping as much on the turf as possible that their tread might not resound, which it was easy to do, there being no hedge or fence of any kind. 但是他们摸索着往前走,尽量走在草地上,免得脚步发出响声。这是容易做到的,因为在她们周围,既没有树篱,也没有任何形式的围墙。
5.All around was open loneliness and black solitude, over which a stiff breeze blew. 他们四周的一切都是空旷的寂静和黑夜的孤独,还有猛烈的风不停吹着。
6.And as he made the announcement, Durbeyfield, declining from his sitting position, luxuriously stretched himself out upon the bank among the daisies. 他一边宣布这个消息,一边从坐着的姿势倒下去,在开满雏菊的草地上非常舒服地伸展身子。
7.It was not till the rays of the sun had absorbed the young stranger's retreating figure on the hill that she shook off her temporary sadness and answered her would-be partner in the affirmative. 她一直站在那儿等着,直到山坡上那个年轻陌生人的身影在阳光中消失了,她才抛开一时的悲哀,接受了刚才想同她跳舞的人的邀请。
8.His sister became abruptly still, and lapsed into a pondering silence. 他的姐姐突然坐在那儿一动也不动了,陷入沉思默想之中。
9.He leant back against the hives, and with upturned face made observations on the stars, whose cold pulses were beating amid the black hollows above, in serene dissociation from these two wisps of human life. 他仰身向后靠在蜂箱上,仰着脸观察天上的星星,星星冷清的脉搏在头顶上漆黑的夜空里搏动着,静寂无声,同人类生命中这两个小生命相隔遥远。
10.Distress, if not penury, loomed in the distance. 如果说还不会马上贫穷,那么烦恼已经在不远的地方出现了。
11.Vincent loomed over me, as pale and grey as a tombstone. 文森特赫然出现在我面前,脸色苍白阴沉得像块墓碑。
12.Bidding them a hasty goodbye Tess bent her steps up the hill. 苔丝在匆忙中向他们道别以后,就弯腰向山坡上走去。
13.The lurid presentment so powerfully affected her imagination in the silence of the sleeping house that her nightgown became damp with perspiration, and the bedstead shook with each throb of her heart. 睡觉的屋子里一片寂静,恐怖的场面太强烈了,因而她的想象也就更逼真,吓出了一身冷汗,把睡衣都湿透了,她的心猛烈地跳动着,每跳动一次,床也就震动一下。
14.Either the change in the quality of the air from heavy to light, or the sense of being amid new scenes where there were no invidious eyes upon her, sent up her spirits wonderfully. 也许是空气的性质从沉闷到轻松的变化,也许是她觉得已经到了没有人用恶意的眼光看待她的新地方,于是她的精神奇妙地振作起来。
15.Her hopes mingled with the sunshine in an ideal photosphere which surrounded her as she bounded along against the soft south wind. 迎着温柔的南风,她一路跳跃着向前走去,她的希望同阳光融合在一起,似乎幻化成了一道环绕着她的光环。
16.She heard a pleasant voice in every breeze, and in every bird's note seemed to lurk a joy. 在吹来的阵阵微风中,她听得出快乐的声音,在一声声鸟的啼鸣里,也似乎潜藏着欢愉。
17.Amid the oozing fatness and warm ferments of the Var Vale, at a season when the rush of juices could almost be heard below the hiss of fertilization, it was impossible that the most fanciful love should not grow passionate. 在佛卢姆谷里,土壤肥沃得冒油,气候温暖得发酵,在这种季节里,从万物滋生发育的咝咝声中,几乎连草木汁液的奔流都听得见,因此,那种最富有幻想的爱情就不可能不生出缠绵的情意来。
18.The ready bosoms existing there were impregnated by their surroundings. 生活在那儿的胸怀激情的两个人,也都受到了周围环境的感染。
19.Novelty had volcanically started up. 新奇的事物像火山一样喷发出来
20.The house is in full bustle of preparation. 屋子里的人忙得团团转。