1.Yet everything was in a stir. 但一切都在忙乱之中。
2.He waited patiently, apathetically, till the violence of her grief had worn itself out, and her rush of weeping had lessened to a catching gasp at intervals. 他耐心地、冷漠地等着,直到苔丝发泄完满腹的悲伤,痛哭变成了一阵阵的抽泣。
3.The wind was so nipping that the ivy-leaves had become wizened and gray, each tapping incessantly upon its neighbor with a disquieting stir of her nerves. 寒风刺骨,长春藤的叶子被风吹得枯萎了、枯黄了,不停地互相拍打着,把她的神经刺激得烦躁不安。
4.The incessant quivering, in which every fiber of her frame participated, had thrown her into a stupefied reverie in which her arms worked on independently of her consciousness. 机器不停地颤抖着,她身体里的每一块肌肉也一起颤抖着,这使她麻木了,恍惚了,连胳膊的动作也好像感觉不到了。
5.It would have melted the heart of a stone to hear her singing these ditties, whenever she worked apart from the rest of the girls in this cold dry time; the tears running down her cheeks all the while at the thought that perhaps he would not. 在这种寒冷的天气里,只要其他的姑娘们不在她的身边,她就唱这些歌曲,就是铁石心肠的人听了,也会被她感动。每当想到他也许终究不会来听她唱歌,她就泪流满面。
6.She plunged into the chilly equinoctial darkness as the clock struck ten. 在钟声敲响十点的时候,苔丝就在春分时节寒冷的黑夜里上路了。
7.They were enveloped in the shades of night which they had no candle to disperse. 苍茫的夜色渐渐袭来,他们没有蜡烛驱散黑暗,也就只好呆在黑暗中了。
8.Soon the light was strong, and a ray shone upon her unconscious form, peering under her eyelids and waking her. 不久天大亮了,太阳的光线照射在苔丝没有知觉的身上,透过她的眼睑射进她的眼里,把苔丝唤醒了。
9.Her mother could not repress her consciousness of… 她妈妈忍不住去想…
10.Almost before her misgiving at the news could find time to shape itself… 她还没来得及思考自己的疑惑…
11.This was the last drachm required to turn the scale of her indecision. 在她心中那犹豫不定的天平上,这是最后一颗砝码。
12.He thus beheld in the pale morning light the resolve to separate from her; not as a hot and indignant instinct, but denuded of the passionateness which had made it scorch and burn; standing in its bones; nothing but a skeleton, but none the less there. Clare no longer hesitated. 他就是这样在灰色的晨光里看待他同苔丝分离的决心;它不是炽烈和愤怒的本能,而是经过感情烈火的炙烤烧灼,已经变得没有感情了;它只剩下了骨骼;只不过是一具骷髅,但是又分明存在着。克莱尔不再犹豫了。
13.There momentarily flashed through his mind that… 他突然想到…
14.She abandoned herself to her impulse. 她任由感情驱使。
15.She undulated upon the thin notes of the second-hand harp, and their harmonies passed like breezes through her, bringing tears into her eyes. 随着那架旧竖琴的纤细的音调,她的心潮起伏波动,和谐的琴音像微风一样.吹进了她的心中,感动得她的眼睛里充满了泪水。
16.Four hearts gave a big throb simultaneously. 她们四个人的心脏都不约而同地猛跳了一下。
17.They writhed feverishly under the oppressiveness of an emotion thrust on them by cruel Nature's law. 冷酷的自然法把她们的感情激发出来
18.Feeling had indeed smothered judgment that day. 白天,他的感情的确压倒了他的理智。
19.In reality, she was drifting into acquiescence. Every see-saw of her breath, every wave of her blood, every pulse singing in her ears, was a voice that joined with nature in revolt against her scrupulousness. 实际上,她的态度正在发展为默认。她的呼吸和呼吸的每一次变化,她的血液的每一次涨落,她的脉搏在她耳边的每一次跳动,就同她的天性一起发出一种声音,反对她的种种顾虑。
20.Her feelings almost filled her ears like a babble of waves, and surged up to her eyes. 她的感情就像波涛的浪花,塞满了她的耳朵,涌满了她的眼睛。

1.Yet everything was in a stir. 但一切都在忙乱之中。
2.He waited patiently, apathetically, till the violence of her grief had worn itself out, and her rush of weeping had lessened to a catching gasp at intervals. 他耐心地、冷漠地等着,直到苔丝发泄完满腹的悲伤,痛哭变成了一阵阵的抽泣。
3.The wind was so nipping that the ivy-leaves had become wizened and gray, each tapping incessantly upon its neighbor with a disquieting stir of her nerves. 寒风刺骨,长春藤的叶子被风吹得枯萎了、枯黄了,不停地互相拍打着,把她的神经刺激得烦躁不安。
4.The incessant quivering, in which every fiber of her frame participated, had thrown her into a stupefied reverie in which her arms worked on independently of her consciousness. 机器不停地颤抖着,她身体里的每一块肌肉也一起颤抖着,这使她麻木了,恍惚了,连胳膊的动作也好像感觉不到了。
5.It would have melted the heart of a stone to hear her singing these ditties, whenever she worked apart from the rest of the girls in this cold dry time; the tears running down her cheeks all the while at the thought that perhaps he would not. 在这种寒冷的天气里,只要其他的姑娘们不在她的身边,她就唱这些歌曲,就是铁石心肠的人听了,也会被她感动。每当想到他也许终究不会来听她唱歌,她就泪流满面。
6.She plunged into the chilly equinoctial darkness as the clock struck ten. 在钟声敲响十点的时候,苔丝就在春分时节寒冷的黑夜里上路了。
7.They were enveloped in the shades of night which they had no candle to disperse. 苍茫的夜色渐渐袭来,他们没有蜡烛驱散黑暗,也就只好呆在黑暗中了。
8.Soon the light was strong, and a ray shone upon her unconscious form, peering under her eyelids and waking her. 不久天大亮了,太阳的光线照射在苔丝没有知觉的身上,透过她的眼睑射进她的眼里,把苔丝唤醒了。
9.Her mother could not repress her consciousness of… 她妈妈忍不住去想…
10.Almost before her misgiving at the news could find time to shape itself… 她还没来得及思考自己的疑惑…
11.This was the last drachm required to turn the scale of her indecision. 在她心中那犹豫不定的天平上,这是最后一颗砝码。
12.He thus beheld in the pale morning light the resolve to separate from her; not as a hot and indignant instinct, but denuded of the passionateness which had made it scorch and burn; standing in its bones; nothing but a skeleton, but none the less there. Clare no longer hesitated. 他就是这样在灰色的晨光里看待他同苔丝分离的决心;它不是炽烈和愤怒的本能,而是经过感情烈火的炙烤烧灼,已经变得没有感情了;它只剩下了骨骼;只不过是一具骷髅,但是又分明存在着。克莱尔不再犹豫了。
13.There momentarily flashed through his mind that… 他突然想到…
14.She abandoned herself to her impulse. 她任由感情驱使。
15.She undulated upon the thin notes of the second-hand harp, and their harmonies passed like breezes through her, bringing tears into her eyes. 随着那架旧竖琴的纤细的音调,她的心潮起伏波动,和谐的琴音像微风一样.吹进了她的心中,感动得她的眼睛里充满了泪水。
16.Four hearts gave a big throb simultaneously. 她们四个人的心脏都不约而同地猛跳了一下。
17.They writhed feverishly under the oppressiveness of an emotion thrust on them by cruel Nature's law. 冷酷的自然法把她们的感情激发出来
18.Feeling had indeed smothered judgment that day. 白天,他的感情的确压倒了他的理智。
19.In reality, she was drifting into acquiescence. Every see-saw of her breath, every wave of her blood, every pulse singing in her ears, was a voice that joined with nature in revolt against her scrupulousness. 实际上,她的态度正在发展为默认。她的呼吸和呼吸的每一次变化,她的血液的每一次涨落,她的脉搏在她耳边的每一次跳动,就同她的天性一起发出一种声音,反对她的种种顾虑。
20.Her feelings almost filled her ears like a babble of waves, and surged up to her eyes. 她的感情就像波涛的浪花,塞满了她的耳朵,涌满了她的眼睛。