1.You know ,I wonder your halo doesn't grow heavy .It must be like wearing a tiara round the clock. 知道吗?我很好奇你这么还留在人间。天使光环一直在你头顶萦绕不散。
2.You have to take control of your feelings before they take control of you . 你必须在你的情绪控制你之前控制它。
3.My dear,when tragedies strike,we try to find someone to blame.亲爱的,当悲剧降临,我们总想把责任归咎别人。
4.In the absence of a suitable candidate,we usually blame ourselves.如果无人可以指责,我们往往会责备自己。
5.You are not to blame. No-one is to blame.不该怪你。怪不得任何人。
6.The road is long, and trust me. So whatever you do, you hold on to that foolishly hopeful smile. 人生路还漫长,相信我,这一路你会历尽艰辛,所以不管你做什么,请留住你脸上那充满希望的傻笑。
7.Sometimes you have to do things that make you uncomfortable. It's the way you grow. 有时候你就得干一些自己都不爽的事情,这就是成长。
8.Life is so funny sometimes,just when you think you are better than someone,you'are not. 生活有时真的很有意思,正当你窃喜自己比别人好时,却惊觉其实不然。
9.When you fake smile, everybody else fakes smile back. 当你对世界假笑 世界会回报以假笑。
10.The heart wants what it wants. 心之所欲无人能挡。
11.This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it. 我就是我,没人非要你喜欢。
12.When you fake smile, everybody else fakes smile back. 当你对世界假笑 世界会回报以假笑。
13.Look,eventually,you'll learn to do that on the inside. 终有一天,你会学会泪往心里流。
14.I have to fight every instinct,I have pulling me toward you.我每次靠近你,我都需要竭尽全力控制自己。
15.When I near you,I am aware of every breath you take.And when I am away even the wind in the trees reminds me of you. 当我靠近你时,我能感受到你的每次呼吸:当我离开你时,连风吹过树叶都会让我想起你。
16.The walls sweat in the heat as the snow falls outside. 外面白雪飘飘,室内温暖如春。
17.A victory without effort is worse than a defeat . 毫不费力的胜利比失败更无趣。
18.The more people you love ,the weaker you are. 你在乎的人越多,你就越脆弱。
19.It doesn't matter what we want, once we get it, then we want something else 不管我们想要的是什么,一旦到手,我们便又会想要其他的。
20.The man who fears losing has already lost. 一旦害怕失去,你就不再拥有。

1.You know ,I wonder your halo doesn't grow heavy .It must be like wearing a tiara round the clock. 知道吗?我很好奇你这么还留在人间。天使光环一直在你头顶萦绕不散。
2.You have to take control of your feelings before they take control of you . 你必须在你的情绪控制你之前控制它。
3.My dear,when tragedies strike,we try to find someone to blame.亲爱的,当悲剧降临,我们总想把责任归咎别人。
4.In the absence of a suitable candidate,we usually blame ourselves.如果无人可以指责,我们往往会责备自己。
5.You are not to blame. No-one is to blame.不该怪你。怪不得任何人。
6.The road is long, and trust me. So whatever you do, you hold on to that foolishly hopeful smile. 人生路还漫长,相信我,这一路你会历尽艰辛,所以不管你做什么,请留住你脸上那充满希望的傻笑。
7.Sometimes you have to do things that make you uncomfortable. It's the way you grow. 有时候你就得干一些自己都不爽的事情,这就是成长。
8.Life is so funny sometimes,just when you think you are better than someone,you'are not. 生活有时真的很有意思,正当你窃喜自己比别人好时,却惊觉其实不然。
9.When you fake smile, everybody else fakes smile back. 当你对世界假笑 世界会回报以假笑。
10.The heart wants what it wants. 心之所欲无人能挡。
11.This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it. 我就是我,没人非要你喜欢。
12.When you fake smile, everybody else fakes smile back. 当你对世界假笑 世界会回报以假笑。
13.Look,eventually,you'll learn to do that on the inside. 终有一天,你会学会泪往心里流。
14.I have to fight every instinct,I have pulling me toward you.我每次靠近你,我都需要竭尽全力控制自己。
15.When I near you,I am aware of every breath you take.And when I am away even the wind in the trees reminds me of you. 当我靠近你时,我能感受到你的每次呼吸:当我离开你时,连风吹过树叶都会让我想起你。
16.The walls sweat in the heat as the snow falls outside. 外面白雪飘飘,室内温暖如春。
17.A victory without effort is worse than a defeat . 毫不费力的胜利比失败更无趣。
18.The more people you love ,the weaker you are. 你在乎的人越多,你就越脆弱。
19.It doesn't matter what we want, once we get it, then we want something else 不管我们想要的是什么,一旦到手,我们便又会想要其他的。
20.The man who fears losing has already lost. 一旦害怕失去,你就不再拥有。