
1.Do not mention the oath, do not recall the past, peace of mind parting. 不提誓言,不忆过往,心安别离。
2.Don't embarrass yourself, don't live up to the years.别为难自己,别辜负岁月。
3.Life is too short to live as long as you want it to last a hundred years. Cherish your life, and cherish it more than you did before. 人生苦短,长寿百年难以如愿以偿,你要珍惜你的人生,而且还要比之前更加珍惜。
4.think less useless things, less reason indifferent people, let yourself busy, to earn more money. 少想没用的事,少理无所谓的人,让自己忙起来,多去挣点钱。
5.those who really have a skill, steadfastly on a road to work hard, no matter where the tuyne, he will eventually become a continuous shine. 那些真正拥有一技之长、踏踏实实在一条路上努力的人,无论风口在哪里,他最终都会成为持续发光的人。
6.live in the world, to have three points warm, two points cool thin, four points carelessly, the last point, follow one's inclinations. 活在人间,要有三分温暖,两分凉薄,四分漫不经心,最后一分,随心所欲。
7.in the worst time to know how to eat, willing to wear, not messy. 在最坏时候懂得吃,舍得穿,不会乱。
8.Good to yourself, is serious about life. 对自己好,就是对生活认真。
9.There isn't much time. Do your best. After a long time, you will be able to make it. 时间不多,你要尽力而为。时间很久,你会水到渠成。
10.the years are very long, the vast sea of people, don't look back also don't settle. 岁月很长,人海茫茫,别回头也别将就。
11.the outside voice is too mixed, listen to your heart is good. 外界的声音太杂乱,听从自己的内心就好。
12.Don't take away your happiness of a day because of someone else's word. 不要因为别人的一句话,而夺走你一天的快乐。
13.When I was a child afraid of dawn, because wake up is school. 小时候害怕天亮,因为醒来就是上学。
14.Grow up more afraid of the dawn, because wake up is life. 长大后更害怕天亮,因为醒来就是生活。
15.life is too complicated, I am not everything clear, can give you only four words “feel”。 人生太过复杂,我也不是万事明了,能送给你的只有四个字“好好感受”。
16.Do what you say,say what you do. 做你说过的,说你能做的。
17.Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。
18.Nothing seek.nothing find. 无所求则无所获。
19.All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用。
20.Man struggles upwards.water flows down wards. 人往高处走,水往低处流。

2.Don't embarrass yourself, don't live up to the years.别为难自己,别辜负岁月。
3.Life is too short to live as long as you want it to last a hundred years. Cherish your life, and cherish it more than you did before. 人生苦短,长寿百年难以如愿以偿,你要珍惜你的人生,而且还要比之前更加珍惜。
4.think less useless things, less reason indifferent people, let yourself busy, to earn more money. 少想没用的事,少理无所谓的人,让自己忙起来,多去挣点钱。
5.those who really have a skill, steadfastly on a road to work hard, no matter where the tuyne, he will eventually become a continuous shine. 那些真正拥有一技之长、踏踏实实在一条路上努力的人,无论风口在哪里,他最终都会成为持续发光的人。
6.live in the world, to have three points warm, two points cool thin, four points carelessly, the last point, follow one's inclinations. 活在人间,要有三分温暖,两分凉薄,四分漫不经心,最后一分,随心所欲。
7.in the worst time to know how to eat, willing to wear, not messy. 在最坏时候懂得吃,舍得穿,不会乱。
8.Good to yourself, is serious about life. 对自己好,就是对生活认真。
9.There isn't much time. Do your best. After a long time, you will be able to make it. 时间不多,你要尽力而为。时间很久,你会水到渠成。
10.the years are very long, the vast sea of people, don't look back also don't settle. 岁月很长,人海茫茫,别回头也别将就。
11.the outside voice is too mixed, listen to your heart is good. 外界的声音太杂乱,听从自己的内心就好。
12.Don't take away your happiness of a day because of someone else's word. 不要因为别人的一句话,而夺走你一天的快乐。
13.When I was a child afraid of dawn, because wake up is school. 小时候害怕天亮,因为醒来就是上学。
14.Grow up more afraid of the dawn, because wake up is life. 长大后更害怕天亮,因为醒来就是生活。
15.life is too complicated, I am not everything clear, can give you only four words “feel”。 人生太过复杂,我也不是万事明了,能送给你的只有四个字“好好感受”。
16.Do what you say,say what you do. 做你说过的,说你能做的。
17.Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。
18.Nothing seek.nothing find. 无所求则无所获。
19.All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用。
20.Man struggles upwards.water flows down wards. 人往高处走,水往低处流。