1.on land where it floods, forest and mountains大地上的森林与高山
2.with honey-coloured light 被镀上一层蜜色光泽
3.as sea where it rises and sets 在它升落的海面
4.like blood orange in a multi-coloured nest of cloud 好似五彩云团里的一颗血橙
5.slipping in and out of the vast ocean 出没不止,在那浩瀚汪洋间
6.I have seen a thousand moons 我见过千般月色
7.harvest moons like gold coins 满月好似金币
8.winter moons as white as ice chips 冬日寒月白如冰屑
9.new moons like baby swans’ feathers 新月宛如雏天鹅的绒羽
10.I have seen seas as smooth as if painted 我曾见过大海静谥如画
11.coloured like shot silk or blue as a kingfisher 色似锦缎,若蓝如翠羽
12.Or transparent as glass 或通透似玻璃
13.or black and crumpled with foam 或乌色泛滥出泡沫
14.moving ponderously and murderously 汹涌得沉重 又狠恶
15.I have felt winds straight from the South Pole 我曾感受过的风,凛冽自南极而来
16.bleak and wailing like a lost child 刺骨哀嚎,仿若迷途的孩童
17.I have lain in water warm as milk, soft as silk 我曾躺在温润如奶 柔滑如丝的水中
18.while around me played a host of Dolphins 以客道迎待周遭的海豚
19.I have met a thousand animals and 我遇过千般生灵
20.and seen a thousand wonderful things 见过千般绝妙的事情

1.on land where it floods, forest and mountains大地上的森林与高山
2.with honey-coloured light 被镀上一层蜜色光泽
3.as sea where it rises and sets 在它升落的海面
4.like blood orange in a multi-coloured nest of cloud 好似五彩云团里的一颗血橙
5.slipping in and out of the vast ocean 出没不止,在那浩瀚汪洋间
6.I have seen a thousand moons 我见过千般月色
7.harvest moons like gold coins 满月好似金币
8.winter moons as white as ice chips 冬日寒月白如冰屑
9.new moons like baby swans’ feathers 新月宛如雏天鹅的绒羽
10.I have seen seas as smooth as if painted 我曾见过大海静谥如画
11.coloured like shot silk or blue as a kingfisher 色似锦缎,若蓝如翠羽
12.Or transparent as glass 或通透似玻璃
13.or black and crumpled with foam 或乌色泛滥出泡沫
14.moving ponderously and murderously 汹涌得沉重 又狠恶
15.I have felt winds straight from the South Pole 我曾感受过的风,凛冽自南极而来
16.bleak and wailing like a lost child 刺骨哀嚎,仿若迷途的孩童
17.I have lain in water warm as milk, soft as silk 我曾躺在温润如奶 柔滑如丝的水中
18.while around me played a host of Dolphins 以客道迎待周遭的海豚
19.I have met a thousand animals and 我遇过千般生灵
20.and seen a thousand wonderful things 见过千般绝妙的事情