
1.My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士屹立异国之疆场
2.For some reason I can't explain 只因一些缘由我无法释怀
3.I know Saint Peter won't call my name 我亦知天堂之门不会为我敞开
4.Never an honest word 不再有逆耳忠言存在
5.But that was when I ruled the world 但这却是我统治的时代
6.When I consider everything that grows 当我看到,一切生长之物
7.Holds in perfection but a little moment 只在刹那间能够完美
8.That this huge stage presenteth nought but shows 世界舞台上一无所有
9.Whereon the stars in secret influence comment 唯有星辰在秘密中牵引
10.When I perceive that men as plants increase 我看到人类像草木一样茂盛
11.Cheesed and checked even by the self-same sky 被同样的天空赋予盛衰
12.Vaunt in their youthful sap ,at height decrease 少时繁茂 日中则仄
13.And wear their brave state out of memory 一切美好都从记忆中被抹去
14.Then the conceit of this inconstant stay 于是这瞬间停留的诡计
15.Sets you most rich inyouth before my sight 让你青春的盛容出现在我面前
16.Where wasteful time debateth with decay 而残暴的时间和腐朽商议
17.To change your day of youth to sullied night 要把你青春的白日变成暗淡黑夜
18.And all in war with Time for love of you 为了爱你 我将和时间对抗
19.As he takes from you,l engraft you new 它从你身上夺走的 我会重新嫁接
20.A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart. 一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。

2.For some reason I can't explain 只因一些缘由我无法释怀
3.I know Saint Peter won't call my name 我亦知天堂之门不会为我敞开
4.Never an honest word 不再有逆耳忠言存在
5.But that was when I ruled the world 但这却是我统治的时代
6.When I consider everything that grows 当我看到,一切生长之物
7.Holds in perfection but a little moment 只在刹那间能够完美
8.That this huge stage presenteth nought but shows 世界舞台上一无所有
9.Whereon the stars in secret influence comment 唯有星辰在秘密中牵引
10.When I perceive that men as plants increase 我看到人类像草木一样茂盛
11.Cheesed and checked even by the self-same sky 被同样的天空赋予盛衰
12.Vaunt in their youthful sap ,at height decrease 少时繁茂 日中则仄
13.And wear their brave state out of memory 一切美好都从记忆中被抹去
14.Then the conceit of this inconstant stay 于是这瞬间停留的诡计
15.Sets you most rich inyouth before my sight 让你青春的盛容出现在我面前
16.Where wasteful time debateth with decay 而残暴的时间和腐朽商议
17.To change your day of youth to sullied night 要把你青春的白日变成暗淡黑夜
18.And all in war with Time for love of you 为了爱你 我将和时间对抗
19.As he takes from you,l engraft you new 它从你身上夺走的 我会重新嫁接
20.A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart. 一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。