1.Most of the time what you are looking for is right in front of you. 你总是觉得时间不够用,但你有没有珍惜眼前的每一分每一秒呢?
2.Your health is your life. 健康比什么都重要。
3.Chance is a gift, so act on chance when given the opportunity. 改变意味着机遇,所以当有变化发生时,你不可错过这样的机遇。
4.Kindness and hard work will take you further than intelligence. 能让你走得更高远的便是友善与勤奋,而不是智力。
5.People deserve a second chance, but not a third. 每人都配拥有的是第二次机会,但不是第三次机会。
6.Marry your best friend. 不要忘了你的好朋友。
7.Take lots of pictures. Someday you'll be really glad you did. 多照些相留作纪念,以后会有用处的。
8.Money makes life easier only when the money is yours free and clear. 金钱确实能让你的生活变得更安逸,但前提是你不会沦为金钱的奴隶。
9.Carelessness is the root of failure 粗心大意招致失败。
10.Your actions now create memories you will reminisce and talk about in your elder years. 你现在的所作所为将会变成你往后的回忆与谈资。
11.Stepping outside of your comfort zone will put things into perspective from an angle you can't grasp now. 当你跨出自己的舒适区时,你会感到有些难以适从,但这只是暂时的。
12.Motivation comes in short bursts. Act while it's hot. 动力转瞬即逝,所以你要把握时间趁热打铁。
13.Purposely ignoring the obvious is like walking backwards toward the enemy. 故意忽略一些显而易见的东西 就如同向敌人投降。
14.Taking ownership of failure builds the foundation for success. 正视失败,才能走向成功。
15.First impressions are completely worthless 50% of the time. 你用于包装自己的第一印象所花费的时间,其实有50%都是毫无意义的。
16.Personal glory lasts forever. 个人荣誉会永远存留在你记忆里。
17.If you never act, you will never know for sure. 没有行动,你也就无法知道事情到底管不管用。
18.In the best of times, people will always make some fools, some fools. Which youth is not absurd, which love is not hurt. 人在最好的时光,总会犯上一些痴,一些傻。哪一段青春不荒唐,哪一场爱情不受伤。
19.Those carved in the chair behind the love, like the flowers on the cement, out of the windless, lonely forest. 那些刻在椅子背后的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出没有风的,寂寞的森林。
20.Real pain can only be changed from one shoulder to another. As time goes by, no one is waiting for you to grow up.真正的痛苦,只能从一个肩头换到另一个肩头。岁月倥偬,无人待你渐渐长大。

1.Most of the time what you are looking for is right in front of you. 你总是觉得时间不够用,但你有没有珍惜眼前的每一分每一秒呢?
2.Your health is your life. 健康比什么都重要。
3.Chance is a gift, so act on chance when given the opportunity. 改变意味着机遇,所以当有变化发生时,你不可错过这样的机遇。
4.Kindness and hard work will take you further than intelligence. 能让你走得更高远的便是友善与勤奋,而不是智力。
5.People deserve a second chance, but not a third. 每人都配拥有的是第二次机会,但不是第三次机会。
6.Marry your best friend. 不要忘了你的好朋友。
7.Take lots of pictures. Someday you'll be really glad you did. 多照些相留作纪念,以后会有用处的。
8.Money makes life easier only when the money is yours free and clear. 金钱确实能让你的生活变得更安逸,但前提是你不会沦为金钱的奴隶。
9.Carelessness is the root of failure 粗心大意招致失败。
10.Your actions now create memories you will reminisce and talk about in your elder years. 你现在的所作所为将会变成你往后的回忆与谈资。
11.Stepping outside of your comfort zone will put things into perspective from an angle you can't grasp now. 当你跨出自己的舒适区时,你会感到有些难以适从,但这只是暂时的。
12.Motivation comes in short bursts. Act while it's hot. 动力转瞬即逝,所以你要把握时间趁热打铁。
13.Purposely ignoring the obvious is like walking backwards toward the enemy. 故意忽略一些显而易见的东西 就如同向敌人投降。
14.Taking ownership of failure builds the foundation for success. 正视失败,才能走向成功。
15.First impressions are completely worthless 50% of the time. 你用于包装自己的第一印象所花费的时间,其实有50%都是毫无意义的。
16.Personal glory lasts forever. 个人荣誉会永远存留在你记忆里。
17.If you never act, you will never know for sure. 没有行动,你也就无法知道事情到底管不管用。
18.In the best of times, people will always make some fools, some fools. Which youth is not absurd, which love is not hurt. 人在最好的时光,总会犯上一些痴,一些傻。哪一段青春不荒唐,哪一场爱情不受伤。
19.Those carved in the chair behind the love, like the flowers on the cement, out of the windless, lonely forest. 那些刻在椅子背后的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出没有风的,寂寞的森林。
20.Real pain can only be changed from one shoulder to another. As time goes by, no one is waiting for you to grow up.真正的痛苦,只能从一个肩头换到另一个肩头。岁月倥偬,无人待你渐渐长大。