BBC News:奥斯卡影帝菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼去世
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    BBC News with Jerry Smit

    The award-winning American actor Philip SeymourHoffman has been found dead at his flat in New York.He was 46. The cause of his death has beeninvestigated. Mr. Hoffman had previously sufferedfrom drug problems. Beth Mcleod reports fromWashington.

    According to New York police, Philip SeymourHoffman was found dead in the bathroom of hisapartment in Manhattan late on Sunday morningafter a friend made an emergency call. A spokesman from the police department said that the46-year-old died from an apparent drug overdose. Last year, Philip Seymour Hoffman told thecelebrity news website TMZ that he'd completed a rehab course for substance abuse. Hemade his name as a character actor in films including the Big Lebowski and Boogie Nights. Hereceived three Academy Award nominations as a best supporting actor and won the best actorOscar in 2005 for his portrayal of the American author Truman Capote.

    A leading Ukrainian opposition activist Dmytro Bulatoy who says he was kidnapped andtortured during anti-government protest has been allowed to travel to Lithuania for medicaltreatment. Duncan * reports from Ukraine.

    The ordeal that Dmytro Bulatov has been through has made headlines around the world. Hesaid he was kidnapped, beaten and tortured for 8 days. After being found last week, policetrailed to the hospital to question him. He was accused of organizing riots. The interior ministryalso suggested that Mr. Bulatov's kidnapping might have been staged, a statement dismissedas false by anti-government protesters. The Ukrainian authorities handling of the case hassparked condemnation from western governments.

    Anti-government protesters in Thailand have desrupted voting in some constituencies inBangkok and in the south of the country in a general election that was boycotted by the mainopposition party. Officials said there was no voting at all in 9 southern provinces where theopposition is strongest. But 89% of polling stations elsewhere operated normally. The PrimeMinister Yingluck Shinawatra told the BBC that the election was a sign that the people hadchosen to address their differences in a peaceful way.

    “I think sometimes when we have conflicts of the difference opinion. At least, we control someside that people would like to see election. We'd like to continue on the democratic process.”

    The election followed months of tension as opposition supporters tried to bring down thegovernment and replace it with an unelected council.

    Police in Sri Lanka say they have arrested a man in connection with the murder of a prominentfemale journalist. They said the suspect had been in possession of the journalist MelGunasekera's mobile phone. Officials believe the suspect stabbed her during a breaking aftershe recognized him as a laborer who'd been hired over a month ago to paint her house. Whileworking for the AFP news agency, she covered the Sri Lankan civil war which ended in 2009.

    World News from the BBC

    Voters in EI Salvador have been casting their ballots to elect a new president. Correspondentssay, so far, the turnout has been patchy with queues at some polling stations while othersremained half empty. The current Vice President Salvador Sanchez Ceren from the left-wingFMLN party is facing Norman Quijano, mayor of the capital San Salvador from the oppositionArena party. Neither is expected to win an outright majority.

    The United Arab Emirates has summoned the Qatari ambassador to lodge a formal protestabout sermons broadcast from Qatar by a well-known Islamic preacher. The state news agencysaid the Qatari ambassador was told that his government should stop Yusuf al-Qaradawi frominsulting the UAE. Sebastian Usher reports.

    Shiek al-Qaradawi has won fame with his weekly religious program on the TV station Al Jazeerawhich is financed by Qatar. He's both an influential and controversial figure. He is stronglycriticized the way in which Egypt's Islamist President Mohamed Morsi was ousted by the armylast year, as well as the subsequent outlaw of the Muslim Brotherhood. That issue has becomea foot-line between Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Qatar backed Mr. Morsi in theBrotherhood, in contrast the UAE welcomed Mr. Morsi's fall and provided urgently neededfinances to support the military-backed government that replaced him.

    The governor of the US state of New Jersey Christ Christie has responded angrily toaccusations by a former ally that he was involved in an possible attempt to discredit a politicalopponent. David Wildstein said on Sunday that he had evidence that Mr. Christie was lyingwhen he denied knowing about the closure of lanes on a major road in the town of a Democraticopponent. The lane closures caused a 4-day traffic jams in September. Governor Christie sentan email to supporters, saying that his former ally, Mr. Wildstein will do and anything to savehimself.

    BBC News.

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