BBC News:普京下令在俄罗斯西部进行军事演习
教程:2014年02月BBC新闻听力  浏览:1384  
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    BBC News with Natalia Rosten

    Potential ministers in Ukraine's new interimgovernment have been introduced to crowds atIndependence Square in Kiev. They include atortured protester, an actor and far-right leaders.David Stern reports from the Square.

    The nominations for the new government, the interim government have just been made. Andalthough there are about 20 names that were announced, probably the most important onewas Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the opposition leader who's been nominated for the post of primeminister. But I have been speaking to a lot of activists, and they say they are actually quiteunhappy with the names that were announced. They say for the most part, it seems to bethe old guard, same old faces, and they say they are going to be watching this governmentvery closely, and if it does anything that they don't like, they will make their displeasure veryclear as they have for the last three months.

    The man set to be Ukraine's next prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has told the BBC thecountry is on the brink of disaster. Duncan Cawford reports.

    Arseniy Yatsenyuk is about to take up one of the most difficult jobs in Ukraine. As primeminister he said he and the new unity government will have to undertake extremely unpopularmeasures. Blaming the corruption of President Viktor Yanukovych's regime for the state ofthe country's economy. This is a government of political suiciders, he told the BBC, addingwelcome to hell in recognition that tough economic decisions won't endear the newgovernment to the Ukrainian public. Mr. Yatsenyuk said a number of outside and domesticforces were trying to split the country, but insisted it will remain united.

    Two Islamists convicted of the murder of a British soldier Lee Rigby on the streets of Londonlast year have been sentenced to life in prison. Jane Peel reports.

    Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale were involved in a violent struggle with securityguards in the dock as the judge told them they'd become radical extremists, espousing viewsthat were a betrayal of Islam. There were shouts of “it's a lie” and “Allahu Akbar” (god is great)before they were restrained and taken to the cells. Mr Justice Sweeney said the two men hadbutchered Rigby, it was no exaggeration to say it was a bloodbath. He called their conductsickening and pitiless and said they had no remorse. The relatives of Lee Rigby said they weresatisfied, the sentences passed were the right ones.

    The Russian President Vladimir Putin has unexpectedly ordered the military exercises acrosswestern Russia which borders Ukraine. The move comes as tension grows following theoverthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych in Kiev. The Russian defence ministry said that150,00 troops were being put on high alert.

    World News from the BBC

    The medical charity Medicins Sans Frontiers says health facilities and the patients inside themhave suffered devastating attacks in South Sudan. In the northern town of Malakal wherethere had been recent heavy fighting between rebels and government troops. MSF said anumber of patients had been shot dead in their hospital beds. Survivors said armed groupsentered the hospital and shot patients who didn't have money or mobile phones to hand over.

    The International Chemical Weapons watchdog has welcomed the removal of the latestconsignment of toxic chemicals from Syria. After a deadline for extracting the country'schemical arsenal was missed earlier this month. Sebastian Usher reports.

    The latest consignment is the fourth to leave Syria so far. This time, its mustard gas has beenshipped out of the country from the Port of Latakia to be destroyed at sea aboard a US vessel.The original timetable for the complete removal of Syria' s huge chemical weapons arsenal wasambitious. And it was a little surprise that it was missed. But that failure has raised concernover the whole venture which is being carried out in unprecedented conditions in the middleof a civil war. A new deadline of the end of April now appears to be what is being aimed for.

    The main opposition bloc in Venezuela says it's not taking part in the national peaceconference called by President Nicolas Maduro, which is due to be held today. Democratic UnityTable said the meeting was a sham dialogue which made a mockery of Venezuelans. Theconference comes after weeks of protests against high inflation, rampant crime and foodshortages. More than a dozen people have died in the violence.

    Scientists say they've found the mechanism by which scented vapours from forest turning intoparticles that help form clouds with the cooling effect on the planet. The researchers say itinvolves a complex chemical exchange which plays a significant role in reducing the impact ofrising temperatures.

    BBC News.

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