通知篇(15):商品出货通知Dear Mr. Hopkins,
This is a notification of shipment.
We have shipped your order NO. 3108 as of March 12, 2009. And I also sent you the relevant shipping documents by fax. Please check.
您订单号为 3108 的货物已于 2009 年 3 月 10 日出货。相关出货资料也已经传真给您了,请注意查收。
You should receive the goods you ordered by March 20, 2009 if there is no accident.
正常的状况下,您的货物在 2009 年 3 月 20 日就能收到了。
Please let us know when they arrive. Thanks very much!
Yours truly,
HANS Company
HANS 公司 谨上