Dear Mr. Richard,
I am going to visit Los Angeles on Saturday, October 4, 2008. By the way, may I have the opportunity of paying you a visit with the purpose to discuss the current financial crisis?
May I suggest 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 5, as a convenient time for my visit? If it is not fine with you, perhaps you would be kind enough to let me know the time convenient for you.
我将于 2008 年 10 月 4 日星期六去洛杉矶。我可以有这个荣幸顺便去拜访您,并探讨一下当今的金融危机?如果您 10 月 5 日下午四点方便的话,我可以去拜访您吗?如果不行的话,或许还有其他您比较方便的时间,可以告知我吗?
Expecting to meet you soon!
Sincerely yours,
David Rex
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