不过 有些唱片公司却相信苹果公司能助他们一臂之力
In 2002, a delegation of music executives travelled to Apple's headquarters
2002年 由各音乐公司主管组成的一个代表团来到苹果总部
to present a vision for how they might collaborate.
Steve Jobs did not exactly warm to their ideas.
He listens, but he isn't listening patiently.
他在听 但是态度并不耐烦
At one point he waves his arms and says, "Stop, stop, that's not why I'm here.
甚至一度挥手说道:"停停停 我来这儿不是来干这个的
I didn't come here to listen to you.
I have my own views on what we need to do.
You guys in the music business have had your heads up your asses all these years!"
Which made everybody on my side of the table mute, silent.
And I said, "Steve, that's exactly why we're here. We need your help."
于是我说"史蒂夫 正因如此我们才会来找你呀 我们需要你的帮助"
Other technology companies had tried and failed to persuade the major labels
to license their music online, but Jobs was different.
为在线音乐授权 但乔布斯不一样
Jobs was the biggest share owner in Disney.
Because he was in such a strong position as a Hollywood player
that he was able to bang the heads together of the music companies and say this is how it's going to be.
因此 他能一声令下 告诉他们应该怎么做
To Jobs, it was obvious the record labels didn't understand the new internet-savvy consumers.
对乔布斯来说 唱片公司显然不了解这些热衷于网络的新生消费者
He insisted the way to beat file-sharing was not to punish people for doing it
他坚持 要赢过文件共享网站的方法并不是去惩罚共享的人
but to offer a more convenient reasonably-priced alternative.
而是提供更加方便 并且价格合理的选择
In less than a year, every major label had signed up to the Apple iTunes store.
不到一年 所有大的唱片公司都签约了苹果iTunes商店