1. Mark is calling the gardening show about ____________.
A. a diseased fruit tree
B. a strawberry patch
C. some dying flowers
2. His wife received the particular plant(s) from her _______________.
A. mother
B. sister
C. a close friend
3. Mark thinks that he might have _________________.
A. covered the plant(s) accidently
B. driven his truck over the plant(s)
C. killed the plant(s) with deadly chemicals
4. Mark won't be able to deal with the situation unless ___________.
A. his wife goes on vacation
B. the weather improves soon
C. he can buy the right plant food
5. Which advice does Susan, the gardening show host, NOT give Mark at the end of the conversation?
A. Susan suggests that Mark ask for forgiveness.
B. Susan recommends that Mark go on vacation.
C. Susan advises that Mark put away any dangerous items.
1. some dying flowers
2. mother
3. killed the plant(s) with deadly chemicals
4. his wife goes on vacation
5. Susan recommends that Mark go on vacation.
Susan: Hi. Welcome back to Susan's Gardening Show. I'm Susan, and we're ready to take our next caller. We have Mark from Seattle. Are you still there, Mark?
Mark: Uh. Yeah, but maybe not for long.
Susan: So, how can we help you today?
Mark: Okay. Uh, my wife is really into gardening, and about five years ago, she received a beautiful climbing rose bush . . . I think an Agatha Christie [That's a nice one.]
from her mother who has passed away. Anyway, the rose plant seems to be on its last leg.
Susan: Really? Nomally, that rose is really quite hardy [I know.], and it's very disease-resistant, too. [I know.]
Mark: Yeah. Well, this situation ISN'T normal. You see about a week ago, I was doing some yard work, and I was using some weed killer [UH-oh.], yeah, to try to get rid of some
terrible weeds and . . .
Susan: Did you spray the roses?
Mark: Uh, well, not exactly. I set the spray container down near the roses while I was trimming a bush, and the container must have gotten knocked over, and the weed killer
soaked into the ground near the roses.
Susan: How much weed killer are you talking about?
Mark: Uh, about six or seven quarts (about six liters or 1.6 gallons), I think. [Oh, that's a lot.] You know, I mean when you put . . .
Susan: And the roses? What do they look like now?
Mark: Oh, Dead, real dead. Dead as a doornail dead, but my wife hasn't seen them yet.
Susan: Really? What have you done? Blindfolded her?
Mark: Well, I've kept her away from that side of the house where the roses are, but she is bound to see them at some point.
Susan: Yeah, yeah. You've got a problem.
Mark: I mean, is there anything I can do to revive them?
Susan: Not unless you're a magician.
Mark: Well, can you recommend a quick-growing variety that can take its place?
Susan: Marc. I'm sorry. You've made a mistake . . . A big mistake.
Mark: . . . except that my wife warned me this could happen . . . Oh, man.
Susan: Oh, shoot. Listen. You made a blunder. A big mistake. A really big mistake. But unless you wife goes on vacation for a couple of years, you're not going to be able to
replace the roses that fast.
Mark: So, any recommendation? I mean, what do I do?
Susan: You need to talk to her.
Mark: Are you kidding? You don't know my wife.
Susan: I'm sorry. Look. You've waited long enough. Don't let the grass grow around your feet. Say something, but be sure to hide the garden shears before you do. Knell down; ask
for forgiveness now.
Mark: But that's what I did when I killed her prized apple tree last year.
Susan: No way. Really?
Mark: Oh, man. Oh! She's coming in from outside [Oh, no, oh no.].
Susan: One final word: Hide the weed killer. [But . . .] Thanks, Mark. That's all the time we have for now. Let's move on to the next caller.
be into something 对某事很有兴趣 (idiom): be interested in something
- I was really into running for awhile until I injured my knee.
be on one's last leg (idiom): be ready to die or give out because of lack of energy
- My truck is on its last leg, so I need to start looking for a new one.
hardy adj. 坚强的;勇敢的;能吃苦耐劳的;鲁莽的 (adjective): strong or sturdy
- You need to plant hardy varieties of bushes in this area because of the harsh winter weather.
get rid of 废除(idiom): throw away or discard
- You should get rid of these plants; they are growing out of control.
be/looks dead as a doornail (idiom): undoubtably dead
- Unfortunately, our pet chicken in the garden looks as dead as a doornail. It must have died during the snow storm last night.
be bound to 似乎要 (verb): be likely to happen
- Seeing that you have taken so good care of your garden, you are bound to have a great harvest this summer and fall.
revive 复生(verb): bring back to life or make something more alive
- I think it is too late. No matter how much you water that plant, you won't be able to revive it.
blunder n. 大错 (noun; also a verb): a careless or embarrassing mistake
- It was a real blunder not to have watered the garden more frequently. Now, none of the plants will survive.
let the grass grow around your feet (idiom): wait, waste time, or delay doing something
- When it comes do doing well in school, you should never let the grass grow around your feet. Get busy and study every day.
shears n. 大剪刀;剪切机;剪下的东西 (noun): a gardening tool that looks like a large pair of scissors for cutting and trimming bushes and plants
- Does anyone know where the shears are? I need them to trim the bushes in the front yard.