李小龙之前 西方电影中的亚洲角色都局限在老谋深算类型的坏蛋 像傅满州 劳役苦工 或是 喜剧丑角
Bruce Lee really changed the way Asian's actors were seen in the west.I think that's something you've given a lot of credit for.
李小龙的确改变了西方看待亚洲演员的方式,光凭这一点 他绝对功不可没。
For Chinese people around the world and also for minorities around the world living anywhere where they're sort of oppressed, beating down, have a qualmish job.This was huge, this was someone with nonwhite skin,who was not aren't-Asian, this was someone standing up and... and sticking up for themselves.
对于全世界的中国人 以及任何地方的少数种族,他们受到欺压 从事恶心的工作,这种改变重大 这次是一个不是白皮肤的人 一个亚洲人 是能起来反抗的人。
And it was not just Asians who connected with this new nonwhite hero.He was a hero for an entire culture that had no heros.Bruce came along in Kato as first time that you've seen an Asian guy in control.Everything on the table where we can all see it.
崇敬这位非白人英雄的并不仅仅是亚洲人,在整个没有英雄的文化中 他成为了英雄。李小龙刚开始饰演加藤一角,是第一次你看到亚洲人在掌控局面。把东西放在桌上都能看到的地方。
In African American, that was the first time I saw someone who seem darker to me doing something like that.A guy I've never seen that before.It was the first hero that I ever saw that wasn't a white person.
在非裔美国人中 那是我第一次见到肤色比我深的人 那样诠释角色。我从来没见过这样的家伙,那是我见过的第一个不是白人的英雄
Prior to making his four kungfu films,Bruce lee was cast as the crime fighting chauffeur in Kato in the 1966 TV series "The Green Hornet".
...protect the rights and lives of citizens rise the Green Hornet He got the part after being spotted at a Karate tournament in California It was this screen test that was to lead to his first US television role.
...为了保护市民的生命财产 青蜂侠冲动了在加州空手道大赛时 他被相中了角色,正是这场试镜使他得到了美国电视中的第一个角色。
My last name is Lee, Bruce Lee.
我姓李 名叫李小龙