The murders were then followed up the very next night by more murders.
It was just a nightmare and very scary for Bruce, too。because Bruce's whole mentality was protection, to take care of us.
One officer summed up the murders:"In all my years I have never seen anything like this before."
Those were tough times, going out of the 60 sand into the 70s.
And every day, I practise martial arts.We were really struggling financially to make it,and we had bought our first house which we ended up not being able to afford.
And right in the middle of that he hurt his back.
He was doing a good morning stretch exercise which can be very dangerous.Chiropractors like that exercise.
You see? -Watch out.For whatever reason, he did not warm up and just...that was it.
看到了吗 -小心点。不管什么原因,他没有做热身,悲剧就发生了。
He was in excruciating pain.All I know I was "Where's Bruce?"And then he was there.They never wanted to say he hurt his back.because I knew he was working on the screen scripts.
They told him that he was never going to walk properly and forget doing any gung fu.On the back of his business card he wrote the words "Walk on".
He used to put the card on his bathroom mirror and his doors and walls so everywhere he went in his room, he'd see "Walk on".
So he'd get down and start doing his stretching.
他鼓起勇气 又开始做伸展运动