电影取得空前成功 前7周达到300万美元的票房
Costing less than $1 million and generating $200 million,Bruce Lee's breakthrough film went on to become one of the most commercially successful films ever made.
制作费不超过100万美元 却赚得2亿美元,李小龙的突破之作成为商业上最卖座的电影之一。
Everyone was kungfu fighting Those cats were fast as lightning "Enter the Dragon" was not just a financial success.It also became a cultural phenomenon.
每个人都在练功夫他们动作疾如闪电,"龙争虎斗" 并不仅仅是商业上的成功。它已经成为一种文化现象。
When it opened in 1973, it started a craze for a new form of martial arts known as Gongfu in Cantonese but kungfu to everyone else.After "Enter the Dragon", everybody wanted to be a Bruce Lee,and you had a martial arts studio opening up almost on every corner.
1973年上映之后 本片掀起了称为功夫的新型武术狂潮,"龙争虎斗"上映之后 所有人都想变成李小龙,武馆开的到处都是。
In the east coast, the west coast, around the world, everybody wanted to be a Bruce Lee.They were seeking that.They wanted to be that.
东海岸 西海岸 乃至全世界 人人都想变成李小龙,人们在追寻这个,他们都想变成李小龙。
My wife's brother was opening up a martial arts gym in Knoxville, Tennessee.So I went there to talk.
There were mothers, children with five-year-olds and so on bringing these five... girls as well... to me.
有的母亲带着5岁的孩子 女孩也是 到我跟前来 说
"This is Mr. Saxon."And I said, "Yes, that's right. That's right.""Did your mother make you come here?""What made you come here and do this?"Saw "Enter the Dragon".Hi ya!
"这是Saxon先生",我就说"对 我就是 我就是","是你妈妈让你来的吗?","你为什么想来这儿学武呢?",是看了"龙争虎斗"。啊... 哒...