1. 若表示参加比赛获得冠军的人或队,英语用champion。 如:
The world champion is in lane four. 那个世界冠军在第4跑道。
This last game will decide who is to be champion. 最后一局将决定谁是冠军。
2. 若指冠军地位或冠军称号,则用championship。如:
The team is going all out to win the championship. 这个队为了争取冠军而全力以赴。
The two teams contending for the championship are very evenly matched. 争夺冠军的这两支球队势均力敌。
We are the champions. 我们是冠军(。
The championship is ours. 我们是冠军(即冠军属于我们)。