Liu Ming: Hi, I am Liu Ming. I am calling to tell you that I have got the job.
Li Bo: Oh, that is wonderful. Congratulations!
Liu Ming: I really feel grateful to you for your reference. They have mentioned this in the job interview.
Li Bo: Don't mention it. I think that is because you have right qualifications and nice personality.
Liu Ming: Thanks again. I will start on next Monday. I am sure I will have good performance.
Li Bo: I agree.
Thanks again. 再一次感谢。
I. 表示感谢的常用句式:
1. Thanks (for your information). 谢谢(你提供的消息)。
2. Thanks a lot (for the book). 多谢(你给我的书)。
3. Thanks a million (for your advice). 万分感谢(你的建议)。
4. Many thanks (for drawing the curtains). 多谢(你把窗帘拉开)。
5. Thank you very much (for cleaning the blackboard). 非常感谢(你擦干净黑板)。
6. Thank you very much indeed (for your cooperation). 真的非常感谢(你的合作)。
7. Thank you so much (for showing us those photos). 非常感谢(你给我们看那些照片)。
8. I can never thank you enough (for your support). 对你们的支持我永远感激不尽。
9. I really don't know how I can thank you enough (for your encouragement). 我真不知道该怎么感谢你们的鼓励才好。
II. 其他表示感谢的用语:
1. Much appreciated. 多谢。
2. I really appreciated your timely help. 我的确很感激你及时的帮助。
3. I should like to express my appreciated. 我谨表示谢意。
4. I'm extremely really grateful to you (for your thoughtfulness). 对你(的体贴周到)我非常感激。
5. I should like to say how grateful I am (for your understanding). 我谨对你的(的体谅)表示深切谢意。
6. I'd like to express my gratitude (to you for your presence today). 对你(今天的露面)我谨表谢意。
7. I'm much obliged (to you for your kindness). (对你的好意)我深表谢意。
8. It was very kind of you (to tell me what had happened). 谢谢你(告诉我发生了什么)。
9. It's most thoughtful / considerate of you. 你真周到。
10. You're very kind / understanding / helpful. 你真好 / 真体谅人 / 帮了我大忙。
11. Don't mention it. 别客气。
III. 对感谢作出的得体答语:
1. Any time. 随时为您效劳。
2. That's all right / OK. 这没什么。
3. My pleasure. 我很乐意。
4. It's a pleasure. 乐意效劳。
5. Not at all. 别客气。
6. No bother / trouble at all. 不费事。
7. Please don't mention it. 不用客气。
8. Think nothing of it. 别客气。
9. At your service. 愿意为你效劳。
10. You're welcome. 不用谢。
11. I'm very glad you enjoyed it. 很高兴你能喜欢。
12. Glad to be of some service. 很高兴能为你效力。
13. Delighted I was able to help. 很高兴能帮上忙。
14. I'm delighted to have been of assistance. 很高兴能有所帮助。
15. It was the least I could do. 实在是微不足道,仅尽绵薄之力而已。
16. You'd have done the same in my position, I'm sure. 要是你处在我的位置也会这么做的,我肯定。
李波: 你好,我是李波。
刘明: 你好,我是刘明。我打电话告诉你我得到了那份工作。
李波: 哦,那很不错。祝贺你!
刘明: 我非常感谢您为我做介绍人。他们在面试的时候还提到您了。
李波: 不用谢。我想这是因为你自身的条件和友善的性格。
刘明: 再次感谢。下星期我就开始工作了。我相信我能干出好成绩。
李波: 这我相信。