At least seven people were killed yesterday in attacks at polling stations. The United Nationssays last year was Iraq's deadliest since 2008, that more than 8800 people, mostly civilianswere killed in different attacks. Sectarian violence, fighting between Sunni and Shia Muslims isthe cause of a lot of it, but terrorism also factors in. With Al Qaeda linked groups fighting Iraqigovernment forces.
Next story today, the same storm system that brought deadly tornadoes to the central andsouth eastern U.S. has had another disastrous affect-flooding. What looks like a river in thisFlorida neighborhood was actually a street. Look at this. A rush of muddy water where thereshould be asphalt and traffic. The Florida Panhandle is no stranger to heavy storms andhurricanes, but some of the folks CNN talked to in the area told us they've never seen anythinglike this. Almost 19 inches of rain in just 24 hours fell on parts of Florida and Alabama.
Florida's governor has declared the state of emergency and warned that more rain and floodingcould be ahead. He says 200 rescues out of 300 requests have been made. In some placesresponders have had to get creative.
They have gone up there with chainsaws, just tried to be able to cut holes in the roofs, justtried to be able to get the people out of there because the water levels are roof and chest-highand deeper, and apparently in some of these homes and so there's nowhere to go but up, andonce you get there in the attic, you know, you really can't go anywhere else. So, they are tryingto utilize the chainsaw to be able to just cut some folks out. I don't have a specific update onhow far we are on that progress. I'm just getting two those locations. It's just been a logisticalnightmare.
Middle East respiratory syndrome or MERS, has sickened hundreds of people in Saudi Arabia.Those who've come down with the virus in other places had traveled to the Middle East first.There hasn't been a case in the U.S. The CDC is working with hospitals to prepare for thepossibility. MERS attacks the respiratory system. It's killed almost a third of those who'vegotten it. What scientists don't know about MERS is how it spreads exactly and how toprevent infections. For now, they are telling travelers to keep cautious and keep their handswashed.