Republican lawmakers are considering significant changes to a child nutrition law passed in 2010. The law's goal was to encourage students to eat healthier school lunches. The government required schools to use less sodium in meals and it required students who qualify for free or reduced price meals, about 30 million students nationwide, to pick up a fruit or vegetable with their lunch. First lady Michelle Obama is a strong supporter of the law.
Parents have a right to expect that their kids will get decent food in our schools, and we all have a right to expect that our hard-earned taxpayer dollars won't be spent on junk food for our kids.
But an official from the School Nutrition Association says they are not pushing for junk food in lunches, they just want the fruit or vegetable requirement dropped. The group says there is a lot of waste from students picking what they have to get the free meal, but then immediately throwing it away.
Next story involves planes and law enforcement. Technology that has been around may be a little after the Wright brothers is combining with camera surveillance technology, and it's getting policy in apprehend and tracking some crime suspects. Not everyone's on board with the idea of pursuing people using an eye in the sky, but it is having an impact.