well as well as women..When things stop wording,a man feelsthat he has got up at 6 a.m.for the passed 15 years to paythe _2_
mortage,get the car,make sure the holidays arepaid,ensure _3_
that food is on the table,that the school fees are paid.And what happens then?
We are in the midst of redefining the modern relationship and because women have acquired themodern relationship and because women have acquired more freedom and _4_
greater equality,men are struggling to define their new out emotionally in time of stress and oftenfind their social _5_
networks have fallen by the wayside by midlife,and particular _6_
after separation.Women tend to build the social networks,says Terry Melvin,manager ofMensiline Australia."They're not the ones who send the Christmas cards and invite the _7_
neighbours in for drinks."
In the face of such massive change,many will hit "self-destruct" and anaesthetize their pain withalcohol or drugs,or revert to primitive responses as rage,even violence,as they _8_
lose control over their lives.Says Bramhill :"If you realize your reaction is linked to something thatwas happened in the _9_
past,you then have control over it.There was more power in acceptance than there is inreaction." Each night he and his wife,Jill,acknowledge three positive things about themselvesand each other.They have made a commitment to self-development and nurture theirrelationship._10_
3.paid + for
9.was happened-was