教程:SAT资料  浏览:7454  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

      This course is designed to provide students with the basic grammar knowledge, general skills for each type of questions and reasoning techniques necessary for doing well on the SAT grammar, which is included in the SAT writing section. The course will also provide students with the

      test-taking skills, language expertise, and guidance which students need to achieve their goals and maximize their SAT score.


      The major objectives of the training program are to help the students:

      • Familiarizing the students with the SAT

      • Familiarizing the students with the format and directions of the SAT grammar part

      • Understanding the most frequently tested grammatical points and the ways in which these points are tested

      • Developing general skills for each types of questions, i.e. ISE, IS and IP questions

      • Cultivating students’ awareness to express their ideas clearly, effectively, and accurately

      • Enhancing students’ ability to use the reasoning ability and the grammatical knowledge to do well in the SAT grammar section

      上一篇:SAT_II_化学知识点_公式总汇 下一篇:SAT阅读长难句子分析

