This type of activism and optimism speaks volumes about the students here, the faculty, the stuff, but also the character and history of Merced—a town built by laborers and immigrants from all over the world: early settlers who came her as pioneers and trailblazers in the late1800s as part of the Gold Rush and built the churches and businesses and schools that exist;Americans who escaped slavery and the racism of the south to work on the the railways as truck drivers up and sown Route 99; Mexican Americans who travels north to find work on the farms and have since become the backbone of our agricultural industry; Asian Americas who arrived in San Francisco and have slowly branched out to become a part of the community in the San Joaquin Valley.
这种行动主义和乐观主义不仅诠释; 这儿的学生和教职员工,也是摩赛德个性和历史的体现。摩赛德是由劳动者和来自世界的移民共同建立的县城。早期的拓荒者以及19世纪末淘金热中的一些先驱来到这里建立了学校、商业区和教堂,这些现在依然存在。当时非裔美国人利用沿99号铁路线做卡车司机的机会逃离了南方奴隶制度和种族主义的压迫。墨西哥裔美国人来到北方在这里的农场找工作,成为我们农业生产的支柱。还有亚裔美国人,他们来到旧金山,在这里扎根繁衍,逐渐成为圣华金河谷社区的一部分。
Merced's make-up have changed over the years, but its values and character have not- long,hot days filled with hard work by generations of men and women of all races who wanted an opportunity to build a better life for their children and their grandchildren; hardworking folks who believed that access to a good education would be their building blocks to a brighter future.